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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I think what many people (and thus governments) don’t want to accept is that maybe people just don’t want kids. It always happens, when people are more educated and have better quality of life – and access to contraception, they have fewer children. If money was really the defining factor, then why aren’t all rich people having 10 kids? Why is the birth rate in countries like Finland (where they have a lot of social programs, high quality of life and support for parents) so low?

    I am absolutely not denying that having no money factors into the decision to not have kids, for people who actually do want them. But we need to face it, a lot of people -when given the choice- just don’t want kids. You can’t pay me enough to have kids. I could be a billionaire and I wouldn’t want kids. The only way you could make me have kids is by forcing me. And while typing this, suddenly I have the urge to erase it all, because I fear the day when governments finally realize what I typed above and they actually start forcing people to have kids.

    Edit: I think what should happen is for us all to figure out how our society should work when global birth rate inevitably drops below replacement rate, and what we want from life other than infinite growth.

  • Well, let’s not pretend any of us even ‘need’ American influence to become shitty. The entirety of Europe has apparently decided that it’s been long enough since WW2 for us to give Fascism another try. Sure, the US influences the world, but we’re more than capable of fucking things up ourselves.

    While maybe not as bad as the US yet, that image can be recycled for Europe in a short while.

  • I actually think those kinds of mistakes are made more often by native speakers, because they learn it from other people as they’re growing up (including all the mistakes), while non-native speakers learn it correctly (from books and teachers). Same goes for the then/than or they’re/their/there, etc. When you learn it spoken first, and incorrectly, it’s harder to correct those mistakes than to learn it correctly from the start.

    In Dutch, for example, we have loads of people who will say “groter als” (bigger than), which is dead wrong - it should be “groter dan.” This als/dan-mistake is something typical of natives, and I’ve never heard a non-native make this mistake. Same goes for zij/hun. Usually kids just learn incorrectly from their parents. My own parents make those mistakes as well and it took more than a year of my elementary school teacher correcting me every. single. time I made the mistakes, for me to correct them.

  • Agreed 1000%. That game is phenomenal. It has made me laugh so hard I ended up crying, well and sometimes I was just crying. An emotional roller coaster, superb writing.

    My husband was playing it and I thought the game looked terrible, but he kept saying I really should play it, and I can’t put into words how fucking happy I am that I chose to try it. Can’t believe I almost missed out on it. Truly a masterpiece.

  • If only for the soundtrack, it’s worth playing once, at least. It’s so haunting and beautiful. The first time I played DOS1, I knew I would love it the moment I heard the music at startup. RIP Kirill, his music was so beautiful. Also nice they put his music on the piano in a certain evil dude’s house in DOS2!

    Maybe I should replay it again. Just like OP I’m having a bit of a BG3 withdrawal issue.

  • Fuck man, I’ve been reading this exchange and you sound a bit unhinged. Some random Jewish person living half a world away has no influence whatsoever on the actions of Israel. Do note that the person you’re arguing with has already spoken out against Israel’s actions in this very thread! But there’s nothing more they can do about it. They’re just a rando online, nobody in any position in power is going to give a fuck about what they say. Or what you say. Or what I say, for that matter. Putting all this shit on their shoulders (or anyone else not in Israel - or in a position of power elsewhere) is deranged.

    The only people who can change anything about it are Israelis themselves, their government or foreign governments (maybe large corporations? But why would they as long as they make money, right?) by putting pressure on Israel. Nobody else. Certainly not some poor schmuck you decided to berate on Lemmy. Get over yourself.

  • The total death toll and the number of people suffering health issues (past and present) due to coal are orders of magnitude larger than those due to nuclear power (not to even mention the damage to the environment!). The problem is that people respond more to one-time big disasters than to numbers over time. Something like Chornobyl is terrifying and a big deal, so people remember it. They don’t remember every Tom, Dick and Harry that’s died over the years due to black lung or accidents or other stuff from coal.

    You can even see this attitude in other ways too. It seems like a lot of Americans are still suffering mass trauma from 9/11 and accept the most horrific Patriot Act-type shit because of it. But in the end, it was less than 3000 people who died in the attack (and don’t get me wrong, it was terrible!), but waaaaaaay more people die (and have died) from lack of (access to) healthcare, and it seems that still barely anyone is actually trying to fix that. Or a mass shooting that kills 11 people, that’s a big deal, right? But the fact that over a million Americans died due to Covid didn’t really register as a disaster for a lot of people.

    Nuclear power is such a no-brainer to me, but it sounds ‘scary’ and lots of people don’t understand it, which makes it even more scary. Plus, of course the fossil fuel industry propaganda and lobbying, and the memory of people who know other people who used to work in coal towns and had pretty decent lives. Or the “what about nuclear waste!”-crap that always comes up. Yes, nuclear waste is a thing, but let’s put it next to all the damaging crap that coal mines produce, accumulated. It’s way worse.

    Anyway. It’s hard to fight all that, even when rationally, statistically, nuclear power should be a no-brainer. Edit: and there is no political will either, it seems. Whether it’s because they love their fossil fuel bribes or because they’re too scared to lose some voters… they’ll never do good things just to do good.

    Edit: just to be clear, it’s definitely not a USA-exclusive problem. I currently live in Germany and their weird relationship to nuclear power is also batshit. All based on fear and bullshit.