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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Alexa was never supposed to make money by itself. It was supposed to do two things, collect information and lower the barrier to buying things.

    They must have either collected enough data to lower the value of collecting any more, or they have realized that people got over the novelty of asking Alexa to order more dog food.

    My guess is the latter, because buying anything from Amazon now requires 15 minutes of research to make sure it’s actually what you want and not at some ridiculous marked up price. I wouldn’t trust Alexa to pick the best result on the first try.

  • The fact that you think “intentionally ugly” and “diversity” are the same thing is just a staggering new form of ignorant intolerance. I’m going to need a minute to digest that.

    Ok, so many question…

    Is it that you only play as characters you want to fuck? Or you only play as characters that look like you? Or is it both, and you only want to fuck people who look like you, and want to play games where that’s part of it?

    How ugly do you need to be to no longer be normal? Or is it being different from you that makes people ugly?

    Are all ugly people minorities in your mind? Like you see someone on the street with crooked teeth and a mishapen head, and you think “Your kind aren’t welcome here!” Or are there certain minorities that are ugly to you, and you think this character model looks like one of “them”? Which group is even represented in this trailer?

    I’m really curious about you. I’d really rather not be, and I’d probably be happier if I just forget you exist. You’re like a really weird shaped piece of dog shit. How were you formed? What the fuck was wrong with that dog?

    I know you probably won’t give me answers, and will probably just fall back on some tired cliche of an insult again. But on the off chance that you feel like sharing, I’d love to know more.