• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • He has a point tho. The amount of copy pasting random shit from the internet into the console is way too comon if you go down the rabbit hole on some issues with the system and find a solution on some abandoned by god itself linux forum. To be fair its usualy just a comand that does shit for you in 5 seconds so you dont have to use gui buuut it does happen and i can tell what this stuff does but the average user likley dosent . Alghtough it might be less common today. Its been quite a long time since i last broke my system.

  • Which is usualy what pepole are really complaining about . But somehow instead of saying graphics look like shit pepole will complain that main character is ugly, probably beacuse they dont know any better. Its similar case with the little mermaid for example where first and foremost you will see that main character was black but when you watch a professional critic the first thing ypu will see is that the film is extremely dark. Sp dark that its hard to see shit and thats probably a bigger reason why pepole are complaining. Ultimately there is very little complains about race gender or whatewer the fuck is actually controversial at the moment when the movie is good.

  • Its the same with film and anime ,probably also aplies to comics and books Everyone remembers a few good titles from the ‘old times’ ( and the old times depend on the person complaining ) and comapres it to every modern production convieniently forgeting about the garbage and medicore stuff that was put at that time.

    And then there is the case of some genres falling put of favor. Whetewer we are talking about western in film or RTS in computer games . That actually is pretty reasonable complain since the way it usualy goes we have a massive oversupply of certain genres followed by a drought because as it turns out there is a limit to how much harem school anime horny teenagers and middle aged corporate workers will watch per year.