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Cake day: August 3rd, 2023

  • You now need to remember his velocity, his position on the map, the direction of his flight, his altitude, his plane’s weight and who knows what else, I’m not a pilot.

    You’re not wrong per se, but I’m having trouble fathoming gigabytes of data being consumed by these types of parameters. You could probably track hundreds of thousands of airplanes with that much space. The only thing that I could imagine taking up that much memory is extremely detailed airflow simulation.

    However, as a rule of thumb, the vast majority of memory data for video games is in most cases textures and geometry, and not so much the simulation. Based on the article, it seems this game streams high resolution geometry data based on your current location on earth, which I would say is the most probable reason it asks for so much memory.

  • I don’t know of any ejection seats that go sideways, but early F-104 models had a downward track ejection seat. The main issue is that parachutes need some time to open and helicopters tend to fly pretty low. So in most situations you wouldn’t be in a safe altitude to actually eject.

    Modern zero-zero seats can safely eject at any altitude, but they do so by using a rocket motor to fly upwards to a safe altitude for the parachute to open. So because of the rotors, helicopters generally don’t have ejection seats. The exception is the Kamov KA-50 series. It has explosive bolts blowing off the rotors before ejection.

  • This is basically correct but i would add sometimes it’s better to add chips than to add mult. For example, if your score is something like:

    10 x 50 = 500

    Adding +50 mult here would give you 10x100=1000 points. Adding +50 chips will give you 60x50=3000 points.

    Adding to the lowest of the two numbers improves your score the most. Especially early game, mult is much lower than chips, so you want to improve mult. However once you have some good mult jokers improving chips becomes important. Especially in high card based decks, where you get very few chips from your hand.

    If the multiplier jokers come in, the picture can change again. It makes adding mult more valuable because the addition will be multiplied.

  • These are much older, but may still be worth reading:

    • William Powell’s “The Anarchists Cookbook”
    • The CIA’s “Simple Sabotage Field Manual”

    Ultimately, reading material is useful but does not by itself lead to action. Some organisation is required for that, and I don’t have a practical direction to point you in for that. Though you could always strike out on your own, of course.

    If you do decide to organise for the purpose of sabotage action, I’d caution against doing so online. One never knows who might be listening