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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 17th, 2024

  • so, i do think christians hate gay people, i guess i just don’t see them doing the whole throwing gays off the rooftops. even if it’s just the “availability heuristic” affecting my views and not based on the number of gays thrown off roofs, i just have only seen Muslims do that

    I believe a lot of what you are saying at this point, that it probably technically is genocide

    even if i believe you, i lack political power to do anything

    i am barely getting by in this world at times

    i don’t know if i think land should be owned by certain governments or people, i really think people should be able to go anywhere and live there if they want to. the problem is people have different cultural views and these views aren’t compatible. like conservative iraqi people probably wouldn’t want a large number of liberal gays moving there and demanding change just like liberal cities in the US wouldn’t want a bunch of conservative muslims moving to the area and demanding change. muslim countries sometimes treat women terribly. the countries in which women can’t learn math are mostly muslim. right now there are females who are intelligent enough to be computer scientists or mathematicians who are wearing burkas they can’t remove in public and who aren’t allowed to read math books and are literally slaves due to an absence of rights. i can’t imagine the horror of being an intelligent woman in that situation. people of different cultures sometimes have different birth rates too so in democratic societies if people with conservative or misogynistic values and higher birth rates move to the area, there’s a risk that eventually women won’t be able to learn math and gays won’t be able to marry or even live without fear of state execution for their orientation if the population changes and it results in cultural shifts.

    in many ways, this is completely irrelevant because even if i am scared of conservative muslim culture, it doesn’t make genocide okay. i am not sure if Palestinians are even that conservative, they probably aren’t. i just don’t know if believe that muslim culture will gradually become more tolerant. i tend to believe that once muslims become a majority, they tend to become more openly conservative and there’s a higher risk of them demanding sharia law and successfully getting it passed. if sharia law passes, i die, that’s what it means for me, so i am fearful of muslim cultural spreading as a result. i also don’t see that many liberal muslims being tolerant of gays. instead, i recall that when canada had a lot of muslim refugees, many muslims were are a large part of a conservative coalition that did not want certain LGBT rights.

    i really believe in freedom of religion, and i am anti-genocide, but what is the resolution? when cultures are so different, you have to have different political systems in different areas.

    certain land being randomly apportioned to certain cultural and religious beliefs seems so arbitrary to me already

    i am not sure audiobooks would help. i find history sort of boring. i believe you that brutality is taking place and it’s wrong.

    much in the same way i can do nothing with the ukraine and russia situation, i don’t think there’s anything i can do in this situation either

    even if you are right and the two state solution should happen, why hasn’t it happened already? if it hasn’t happened, it must be difficult politically.

    I am very ignorant in many ways. The most I know about Palestinian culture is from Bella Hadid. She takes beautiful photos and I think she seems really cool. She’s part Palestinian and seems really nice from the little I know of her. The only other thing I know about Palestinians is they had really hard lives even prior to this and had really restricted movements and limited options. I heard someone say it was like an open air prison. I think that sometimes people in power create cruel situations and then when people rebel after being treated horribly, they use acts of rebellion as evidence that harsher treatment is necessary, and it’s not taking into account a broader view of problems and using power to ignore the entirety of a situation. I don’t think that the attacks that happened on October 7th happened in a vacuum, but I still don’t know how bad the situation in Palestine was before things got worse.

    You have a stem background right?

    I have a random idea. It is probably a stupid idea. What about having some sort of sign up to get small groups of Palestinians and Israeli people and other International Citizens all sharing perspectives in small groups? Like meetings for cultural understanding?

    Perhaps if there were little groups of 4 to 8 people discussing their views and experiences, including experiences of loss and tragedy, without political views of what should happened, but just like to create dialogue about what experiences are like, perhaps there would be more understanding of the frustrations both sides feel. Every group would have to have at least 1 palestinian and 1 jewish person and it would be just be sharing different emotional experiences. I doubt people would be interested. If you have a stem background in computers you could possibly set up some sort of website to do that? I am not a great programmer. Or perhaps another programmer would help? I like the idea but wouldn’t know where to begin. It may be a stupid idea, I don’t know. It would probably difficult due to languages barriers, but perhaps AI could somehow translate everything in real time so people could understand each other. Perhaps if more people talked to each other, there would be more willingness to have options that both groups would like.

    You just seem so smart and seem to care about this a lot. I hope you end up finding a way to have even more of an impact. I can sense your intelligence. You’re very smart. What sort of STEM did you study?

    I don’t think my islamophobia means that what is happening to civilians is somehow okay. i’m just mentioning my fears as someone within the LGBT community and how it makes me fearful. i am biased in my perspective and i think it’s better for me to acknowledge my bias than pretend it’s not there. i am also scared of christianity too.

    Perhaps if small groups of people could somehow talk and have conversations, then people would have a better understanding.

    Why is the 2 state solution rejected or hasn’t happened so far?

    Did you lose anyone in this conflict?

  • I appreciate how the middle and upper classes who feign ignorance over their oppression always fall back on fake pretense of respectability and civility and genteelness as though their oppression didn’t stem from violence, even if they only watch it or support it through their efforts. If a homeless person who has nothing to eat steals an apple, and the police paid with your labor come to drag him away, would you do anything to stop it? Of course not. Your labor that signs off on the power structure and indifference to the class structure is a form of violence, and trying to end things by falling back on the disguise of respectability is a well known technique.

    I appreciate your trying to end this by saying “I am just a nice and respectful person, trying to end this in a civilized way,” the final refuge of oppressors: we are just civilized and they aren’t, as though your violence at a distance towards the poor somehow exculpates you and your genteelness protects you from impurity.

    If you do not realize that extraordinary cruelty and evil is being done to homeless people, and if you don’t realize this stems from the upper classes creating oppressive structures due to disdain for the freedom of the poor, then you are either stupid or vicious and avaricious and seduced by convenience and you clearly aren’t stupid. None of this matters in the end, the stupidity of the non-scientific class and myopia and selfishness of the upper classes has doomed us all and global warming is coming for us. It’s like skiing and seeing an avalanche and it’s too wide to ski to the side and you can only ski downhill in futility. There’s no outrunning global warming. Imagine India and Pakistan in 20 years in the future in the hottest regions at the hottest times. The displacements will be enormous, there’s only so much water in certain areas. How will everyone react then?

    I’m not offended by you specifically. You and your kind that feign ignorance of class oppression are a part of nature, you have no control over your mendacious ploys just like snakes wandering into a garden don’t really ask to be that way. However, the lower classes are becoming much more educated and as the environment becomes more undeniably destroyed by the upper classes, it will be interesting to see the emotional response of a more educated Internet-empowered lower class as their environment disintegrates before them. The ultra rich have underground bunkers to try to wait this period out for a few generations. It’s the smart thing to do, but likely won’t matter. My calculations and assessments of this situation could also be completely wrong if I am analyzing the data incorrectly, but I’m almost certain I am right. The data and mathematical trends are ugly and not negotiable. Most of the scientists who don’t believe in global warming likely have views rooted in religious delusion.

    There is no civility to your kind and I don’t accept your facade of respectability or agree to end our interaction with some sort of agree to disagree pseudo-civility. I still hope you suffer for being among the group that feigns ignorance of the cruelty inflicted by the upper classes. I am not a hippy striving for love at all times. I hope you suffer and I hope it hurts like paper cuts are covering your entire body.

  • I don’t think conservative Christians want to throw gay people off roofs, so although both hate gay people, I don’t think they are equivalent

    You stated your position, but I have no idea if it’s politically viable

    I am asking if there a path to have people stop fighting that is politically feasible, not just something that is right according to various beliefs.

    I don’t really see a plan here on how to change things, just a position. Is your position politically feasible? Would anyone agree to it?

    I have a hard time reading books because get bored with facts and reading stuff that’s long and don’t like history. I am sure that Palestinian civilians are enduring horrors I can’t totally fathom. I have read enough at this point to know how bad it has been for many civilians there. I believe you are very knowledgeable and you keep supporting your positions with data so you’ve gained enough credibility with me that I take a lot of what you are saying as having a historical basis.

  • There needs to be a way to have an inclusive corporate culture that celebrates cultures and backgrounds but also allows brutal honesty about products without people being afraid of accidentally offending others or being too indifferent to the corporation’s success to speak up.

    A lot of it probably relates to how often people are fired and how short tenures are with companies. If you have a short tenure with a company or are expecting to, does it matter if Company A does well instead of Company B or Company C? It probably doesn’t, and with social media capturing one wrong offensive faux paus for eternity (by which I mean until the planet becomes uninhabitable 300 years from now), workers have every incentive to let disasters like this go to market.

    I am judging Microsoft employees but likely would have said nothing if I were there too. With all the layoffs in tech, why risk it to say something controversial? Even my initial post on this got down-voted into the depths of an abyss just for mentioning that men and women see pornography in different ways sometimes, which should hardly be controversial. I don’t know whether the votes were from men or women, but actually I imagine more women than men down-voted it, and even this guess will probably lead to additional down-votes.

    I dislike people like Elon Musk for his cruelty towards transgender people (despite his admirable intelligence), and I dislike Donald Trump for his cruelty towards those who are different in any way, but I also feel like people should be able to have discussions about actual uncomfortable subjects without it being automatically offensive. The fact I was so heavily down-voted immediately tends to illustrate my point.

  • The point of the first two sentences is that because there is a large gender divide on whether porn is acceptable, a lot of times men and women don’t discuss porn because the subject will lead to conflict. This isn’t true of all members of both genders. Since corporations often have a mix of genders, bringing up the topic of porn and how a feature could alienate porn viewers would be an uncomfortable topic that would be easier to avoid because men and women find the topic uncomfortable often for different reasons. In Microsoft’s case, it seems like no one at Microsoft brought up how male porn watchers might not like AI watching their pornhub history and recording it to a file, despite it seeming like it would be an obvious concern to any male at Microsoft who watches porn, and likely many do. These means their corporate culture is so selfish on their own career protection and focused on not offending others that they let a really bad feature that many hate go to market instead of talking openly how this would be a disaster out of fear that it could cause workplace conflict.

    So instead of saving millions of dollars in costs and damage to the brand, everyone at Microsoft aware of this problem just said nothing. That’s a terrible corporate culture. If a product isn’t going to work, even uncomfortable discussions should be had if it saves millions.

    My point overall was that it’s shocking this made it into the product. It’s such a bad idea for a feature on multiple levels, that it seems like employees did not openly talk about this.

    My other point was that if Microsoft employees didn’t drop the ball, then this feature may have been forced into the project by a government order of some kind, which can and does happen in closed source software. Although hidden backdoors are often secret, the government could equally compel a large unlocked window at the front be added as well.

  • I like reading your posts because you are highly intelligent and include sources in them.

    However, I am not sure if these documents mean that they wouldn’t destroy Israel if they could. If all the Jewish adults and children of Israel were on an Island and each Hamas leader had a button that would destroy the island and everyone on it if pressed, I think all the Hamas leaders would probably press their buttons.

    I am also still scared of Sharia law because I am part of the LGBT community and that makes me scared of Muslims because sometimes when they get a majority, Sharia law ensues. I am scared enough that I can’t have rational views on this topic.

    In all honesty, you are one of the smartest and most knowledgeable people posting on here. Have you ever thought of creating a post just putting forward what you personally think should happen in this situation, with specific ideas for the various government leaders to follow, like an actual specific plan for multiple countries to follow that would be politically feasible? And possibly address concerns that people could have and just reply to them in advance so it would be politically feasible?

    Perhaps other people have done this, I don’t know. I’m still too biased to feel like I can have an accurate opinion on this. I know your posts have been more critical that offering suggestions, but I think you are so smart you could actually craft a suggestion on how to solve this whole mess in a politically feasible way that would perhaps appeal to people, laying out specific solutions, time-tables, etc, keeping in mind political feasibility (and addressing concerns of LGBT people and women if you want).

    You seem so smart. Are you a journalist or have a doctorate? I can sense your intelligence is formidable. I am not joking when I am saying that, you seem brilliant to me in the little I’ve read, which doesn’t mean I agree with your positions. A hard part of change is not just convincing people but also political feasibility. I am still very scared of a Muslim or more Muslim word. I don’t honestly think as a LGBT person my rights will be preserved if Muslims become a larger percent of the population. It shouldn’t affect discussions like this, people should have rights no matter what, but it’s hard to sympathize with a group of people who would potentially drop me off a building.

  • Most male computer uses watch porn and would not want an AI to log that. Many women find porn sickening and don’t understand it and will never understand male urges that result in watching it. The fact that this got into a finished product tells you a lot about Microsoft’s corporate culture.

    No one working there really cares about the company enough to bring up uncomfortable issues, they are all there just to get their paycheck and actual outcomes be damned. The culture their must be toxic for this product to have been put into a product enabled by default.

    If this was a top-down decision and there was no input by others into it, it leads to questions over whether this feature was forced to be included by the government, which can easily require corporations to do anything and then issue gag orders and whether it was some sort of test to see how much intrusive spying bullshit that regular consumers will tolerate now. If this was a feature that was forced into the product, the plan may have been to turn it off by default after negative feedback, but then just keep it in the program for when governments want to turn it on. Governments may have realized it in any capacity such a terrible feature would result in outrage and may have thought this was the path of least resistance, like saying “Would you like to eat a bowl of shit? No, okay, we’ll just give you these brussel sprouts”

  • I literally said in the post “I don’t know you” and everything was a guess. Apparently I guessed wrong. Alright, I believe you. Perhaps you are some finance bro calculating net present values of bonds and staring at spreadsheets 10 hours a day?

    I’m not passionate about equality and equity. I actually am just against torturing homeless people and against lower classes being forced to slave away most of their lives just to not die or become a tortured homeless person. It’s a sad commentary on the world that disliking torturing poor people and expressing that is a “tirade.”

    It’s not complex or idealistic. Don’t torture homeless people, don’t make the lives of the poor unbearable.

    The problem is that when you ignore classism or don’t realize that the antipathy of the upper classes causes these problems, you’re part of the problem too. I wish I could wish you well, but people like you do enable massive cruelty by ignoring the truth, and I don’t think you are stupid, I think you choose convenience and convenient thoughts and I hope you do end up suffering greatly and that your suffering gives solace to the destitute underclass. If you are part of the destitute underclass, I hope you learn to hate your oppressors and see them for what they are without turning into a communist who just wants to enslave everyone with big government.

    You seem like someone who at least has some intelligence. Realize that the price gouging, homelessness, and extreme poverty and a system that allows elites to pay to persuade the stupid public with religion and wedge issues leads to corrupt outcomes. Even if you are a Democrat and vote against conservative policies, if you are going along with the current structure, you are supporting it because the structure is designed to not change much. It offers a convenient way to pretend you want change while enjoying the fruits of the extraordinary suffering of the extremely marginalized. You could change your views if you wanted. Realize that not acknowledging that the upper classes are the primary cause of this situation and that they use wealth to maintain power even if it means extraordinary cruelty. You can realize that voting Democrat does not absolve you from maintaining the power structure especially if you are a subtle apologist for it. Your views do matter. They hate ebikes because poor people and young people use them and it offers freedom: that is the main reason. It’s not a crazy to think. They want you jaded and cynical and to think extreme poverty is a nuanced issue too hard to solve and has nothing to do with classism instead of the exploitation that it is, they make it convenient to hold ideas like this, distract your with hedonism and an easy life if you just forget about their worst inflictions of cruelty. Give up convenience and see the truth of how horrible some people are treated and that it’s not a crazy conspiracy that their suffering has a cause from top to bottom. I don’t think you will do it, I think you will continue to live in a bubble and not help the lowest classes and have the same laissez-faire morality towards the environment and only on your death bed when you see the impending death of the next generation due to environmental doom will you issue a mea culpa to whatever your fantasy god of choice is.

    this isn’t passion, i just hate bullshit

  • Saying I am crazy because I assert wealthy people dislike things that bring poor people freedom is a form of gaslighting. You and people like you enable class oppression. You’re so fucking stupid you buy into the lie and because you have a nice lifestyle and higher IQ, you enable rich people to manipulate others. Even if you have some narrow technical acumen, you are in fact stupid at seeing the broader problems in society. Much in the same way in olden times everything that upset the social order was “evil” now everything that upsets the social order is “crazy.” Yes, that’s gaslighting. Maybe we haven’t known each other a long time, and maybe you have not personally secretly harassed and demeaned me insidiously over time, which is the quintessential notion of gas-lighting, but YOUR KIND has done this to many people for a long time, lacks an understanding of the fundamental attribution error and is genuinely too stupid to see class oppression, yes, you are a gaslighter, you’re just too stupid to realize it.

    Class oppression does exist and the rich and their proxies have all sorts of ways from disclaiming it doesn’t.

    I don’t know you, but I’m going to take a wild guess: you’re upper middle class, 190K a year doing software development, your IQ is 130 and you feel like with hard work and intelligence anyone can make it and you came from a middle class or possibly even lower middle-class background. You feel like because you made it, and escaped poverty, others could have easily also. You were selected for class advancement because a small percent of the underclass gets to move up to pretend fairness exists.

    The rich oppress poor people in different ways, including with those they have selected, and including by keeping an untouchable underclass too small to revolt to make the large regular underclass complacent (“at least it’s not that bad”).

    But this is a strategy, a technique. They call their oppression other things. “Oh, those people are just…” lazy, drunk, stupid. Insert a word to justify oppression. And saying anything else is just crazy, and then they have little boot lickers like you to occasionally offer insults and antagonism to anyone who suggests otherwise, as well as religion to offer the naive phantasmagorical portraits of a non-existent hell for anyone who challenges the social order too much so that only real heros with courage say “fuck this” when faced with a corrupt order. You are part of this, your denial is part of this, your gas-lighting is part of this.

    Do you think anyone has read this far down into the thread? We’re on an old thread very far down at the part where you have to click to see more. Perhaps 100 years from now AI is reading this (if we haven’t all yet died as a result of environmental catastrophe) to try to learn how to simulate replies. I don’t look like an idiot, no one can see me right now, you’re probably one of the few people who will ever read this.

    It’s so tired of morons like you sticking your head in the sand and then pretending like you aren’t facilitating cruelty in the world. You see people on the street wiho can’t sleep without getting a ticket, aren’t allowed to even live in the forests, and aren’t able to even get a moment to sleep under an overpass while it rains because assholes have put spikes there? Your naivete or stupidity is either stemming from arrogance or malevolence. You’re worse than the upper classes inflicting brutality on people because you feign like everything is fine. You’re disgusting and I hope you suffer for denying that you are part of what is inflicting this brutal cruelty on the abject of society.

    But also I don’t know you that well, so perhaps you’ve been homeless yourself, live a middle class lifestyle, don’t have an IQ of 130, and haven’t advanced in society by acquiring some narrow technical skill. Perhaps you are Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged self-made and deserve it based on the work you’ve done. Idiots like you always create a false dichotomy that either extreme Marxism or unchecked capitalism are the only options, as though objecting to evil cruelty in society is somehow advocating for Marxism and that classism doesn’t exist.

    I see through your bullshit. Now go back to pretending that you’ve earned your place in society and everyone else can too and all is right with the world and you aren’t some culpable vile ostrich while the world keeps heating up and the homeless population grows. You and your ilk disgust me and when not even your kind can escape the heat due to your inability to grasp math or history or data due to the convenience of avarice I’ll be glad. (This is not meant to imply you don’t understand global warming. You’re allowed to think and express that’s a problem at your social station without seeming like a “nutter.” But your inability to see classism, you’re willingness to parrot the common norms of society that the upper middle class or very lower upper classes are supposed to say IS the problem, and while scientists are setting themselves on fire trying to warm people we are all about to die, people like you are too stupid to realize that people at the top are a part of the problem and instead are towing the line of thinking what is socially acceptable. So go ahead and parrot normal ways of thinking and advocate for moderate sensible non-crazy change while exponents keep doing their thing. My only consolation is that your kind will soon be dead due to environmental catastrophe, along with all of us.)

    When someone like you, with your above average intelligence, refuses to reason correctly, it’s not laziness, it’s just corruption through money and callousness. The 120-130 IQ set with their “everything is fine” mentality is just pernicious and it’s pointless to even reason with you. The world is headed off an environmental cliff, there’s nothing that anyone can do to stop it at this point, and I’ve played out scenarios in my head and there’s no way I can personally stop this, even if I ran for office, even if I somehow could force most of the world to do what I want, because mathematically it’s too late.

    Actually, I’ve decided I’m wrong: I do look like an idiot opposing someone like you, it’s a pointless endeavor. I read something in your stupid response that indicated mild verbal intelligence and I wanted to try to correct extremely poor logic but it was a pointless reflex. I need to learn to ignore your kind instead of giving into the time suck and distraction of those too deluded to understand classism or extreme poverty or upper class cruelty or impending environmental doom or the non-existence of god. Trying to reason with the stupid is only for the stupid, so I suppose we’re both idiots. Enjoy the weather. The suffering your kind has inflicted on the homeless will soon infect the lives of every human as the planet becomes uninhabitable. Now go back to your non-nutter level-headed full stack development or whatever fucking shithead job you do and pretend while people on the street suffer that your acceptance of societal norms is not a part of this.

  • I don’t own an e-bike or feel persecuted by wealthy people, you presumptuous gas-lighter.

    You’re also assuming I don’t either have money or have wealth in my family, that I’m some angry lower class Marxist inventing reasons to be angry at the upper classes. You don’t know me or my life or anything about me. Your anti-Marxism and anti-paranoia has left you naive as to the sadism and avarice of humanity.

    One person who I had a romantic relationship with literally talked to me about how he sold things that harmed poor people but someone was going to do it and the poor were stupid and these things just happen. He made millions doing what he did and was both extremely intelligent and cruel.

    When slaves used to run off the plantations, slave owners put iron boxes over their heads after. Children used to work long hours in factories. People in China have committed suicide from working so much, because their lives are so miserable. None of these things were or are “needed.” Not all cruelty and sadism has been eliminated. Not wanting the lower classes to be happy or free was part of it and on some level it still is, despite wealthy platitudes about giving and gestures of helping that don’t structurally change things.

    Rich people are at times sadistic and cruel to poor people, rich people not liking poor people is real. And e-bikes are not simply just frowned upon because they are annoying. You just lack the intelligence to see that classism is part of the equation. This isn’t to say you’re a moron, perhaps you’re intelligent at some things, but you lack the insight to see that a lack of open class warfare doesn’t mean that upper classes have no motivation to sustain their lifestyles and that poor people doing well could be a threat to that. The fact that wealthy giving does lift some people up, and the fact that socialism that doesn’t reward individual effort leads to people being very lazy, doesn’t negate these things.

    Go gaslight someone else who won’t respond to your tripe.