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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 14th, 2023

  • Why mention that you dont have the resources if you are not pretending that you would be for helping them if you could. It is just an excuse to try and hide the fact that you care more about one population then another simply on the basis on their nationality. I hope you understand how racist that is. Not that I accept the notion that civilian unarmed refugees are somehow a threat to the Schengen zone and a “National security”, which is most common anti-imigrant rethoric, but how is that ever a higher priority then lives of an entire nation of civilans.

    “there’s more to consider than the lives of these refugees or any that would follow” of course, comfort and stolen wealth of the EU is top priority, Lives of human beings are always secondary to profit.

    “Just out of curiosity, where are you from?” I know better then to tell a racist where I am from, so they can somehow make assumtions based on my nationality.

  • You’ll note that at no point did I claimed that you said turning them away is in their best interests. But it is reasonable to assume that you where making a claim that closing borders is because Estonia can’t help them and not because it is not in Estonia’s interests. When you give arguments about not being able to help while discussing border politics, it is reasonable to assume that you are giving a reason for that policy and not just talking for unrelated reason. So if the reason is that borders cant open because you cant help them then borders are closed for allegedly their own good as they will not be helped in Estonia. If it is in their interest to open the borders then that is helping them and therefor Estonia can help. Of course it isn’t much help if you are simply not hurting them by trapping them inside their country, but still. When you frame a comment to be about helping them, it is obviously implied that you are concerned with their wellbeing and therefor their interests.

    Simply as you used different wording when you told me that I said that you claimed turning them away is in their best interest, so did I. Communication is based on some assumptions and framing things from your point of view, it hard to communicate otherwise.

    Also, I am ignoring that you don’t have resources for helping them, because it is simply not a point of the article. We are talking about not letting them come in, not necessarly do they need help. Maybe they can catch a plain, maybe some do have Visas, it is not impossible. And when talking about human lives during war, we should be more willing to help.

    Besides, I understand that there are a lot of already housed migrants and that is great. But also if they have been there for sometime and some migrants haven’t been there at all, would be good to help those already housed reloacate to rest of EU so there is more space for new migrants. After all, I am certain that the rest of EU will more gladly help Ukranin migrants than Russian ones, so focusing on helping them is good. If really the argument is simply not being able to help and etc. The problem is that all of these things are perfectly reasonably solved and that it is clear that intentions aren’t really economical, but political.

  • And Estonia could accept people that have their own finances or people that are allowed passage in other countires and etc. There are many ways to work on this if you actually care about these people to help and solve a problem. If all countries acted this way, I won’t help because aren’t helping enough, we are going to be in a big trouble. I would complain to US and China if this was a post about that and someone was defending their positions, we can turn this discussion as well into, ask others to help as well, instead of just defending this wrong decision by Estonia. Estonian government, if they really care, could put pressure on EU, China or US. You seem to be more focused on China and US, but reallisticly it is the EU that has funds as well and is closer. We should focus on pressure to EU to help house these people, or allow them passage or something.

    Besides, I think it is morally unjustifiable to be dependent on EU support so much to help you with these things in order to keep stuff comfortable for already rich people in Estonia, instead of sharing with those less fortunate and help as much as you can. It is better to fight for wellbeing of all people and help what you can, instead of being afraid that you will be kicked out from a selfish EU (if they refuse to help and share this isssue, they are selfish).

  • I agree, it would be. But instead of passing regulations to make Europe (just as rich and more populous that US) take refugees from countries they are in war with. Instead we are focusing on closing borders of other countries, not only so they can’t take refugees themselves, but to stop them from actually getting assylim in places they can, like EU. There is a difference in not fighting for right regulation to make a World more just, but to fight for new regulation that is making it less so, is definitely immoral.

  • This article isn’t about welfare to russian citizens, but about actually closing the borders so they are trapped. You are very determined to make it seem like it’s about best intentions and not being able to help, while the reality is that this is a decision to actively forbid any passage through a country. As for the real situation of wealth in Estonia, per capita Estonia is far richer then Russia and if citizens are not able to survive in Estonia, they will not be able to survive in Russia. Russia is also colder and at actual war. So I have no idea how you can pretend that you are doing them a service by actauly actively stopping them from making their own choice to go where they can for search of better life.

  • That makes no sense. If you let people in and give them your citiznship then they are your citizens as well. It is nationalism, ethinic background, not some organisational problem of a country. Estonia can easly handle the influx, that is the point, it is ridiculous to claim otherwise and it is highly immoral and racist to prioritize people of one nationality over other. Resources are fine, it is one of the richest countries in the World. It is dishonest and maniplative when all right-wing policies (such as this) talk about lack of resources when we are talking about helping the working class, but when you need to give tax cuts to the rich or spend money on military, then all of a sudden money flows.

  • Are you really comparing Jan 6 to fight against Putin? Do you know that leader of main opposition in Russia is in jail for simply being in opposition? Trump is still not in jail after a coup. Of course he can be removed from power, but don’t be ridicoulous with claims that people are just lazy or not brave enough. If you even start to organize to critique the goverment in Russia, you go to jail. It is a lot harder to actually form a movement when they arrest you so fast, as soon as you say that you are displeased, let along actually try to form a group for protest, let along an armed revolution. Of course it is possible, but lets not be ignorant and compare it to other regimes.

  • And in Russia it is nice tropical weather /s Are we talking about closing borders just for the winter, of for the summer as well? Are we talking about closing boreders for Russians that cant pay ticket to continue to other coutnries or to all russians? These are nonsense arguments where you pretend to make descision in their best intrerest. Are they too stupid to not be able to make a decision themselves to leave the country if they are under threat of certain death in a war. They would rather live in a tent then in a battlefield under same freezing conditions. How can someone in all honestly believe this clear lie?

  • Everybody’s opinion matters, especially of EU citizens and even more of Estonian regarding this issue. Estonia can obviously deal with more migrants, it is just not convenient. Estonain goverment doesnt care about its citizens, but about getting reelected. They will do what is most in their interest.

    Placing convienice of people from your country over others lives is obviously morally wrong. And unless you are a nationalist (right-wing) you can not believe that people from certain country have lives worth less than from another, even yours. So there is no difference between russian and estonian, and their interest should be placed at the same value. To disagree is by definition nationalism and if we are talking about ethnicity, racism.

  • He never said that it is impossible to overthrow him, he said that it is very difficult. Which is objectively true. Putin is a leader of a superpower, he has nukes for god’s sake. This other user is claiming that because they overthrow their president that they could also overthrow a dictator that has been in power for dacades consolidating his power and controls a huge military aresenal at his disposal.

    Furthermore. this user from Ukraine, that of course we all simpatize on terms of being at war, has clearly belived in anti-russian racist propaganda so much that he belives that people in Russia are not forced to go to war, but are volenrarly getting shot at in war just because they are so evil and want to kill as many Ukranians as possible. They clearly stated that they live lives just as comfortable as before 2014, and doesn’t understand that they are under santctions and has no understanding of what santions actually do to a population.