• 4 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023


  • Still dealing with a bunch of health issues and some stuff at work so things still suck for me, and I missed some antidepressant doses is the chaos so it’s hitting me harder than usual. Things will get better, I know they will, they just need some time to stabilize again. I try to be the kind of peraon I want to see in the world, while trying to keep healthy boundaries for myself. I have a much too negative perception of myself, and I kind of have to take it on faith that it’s not accurate, and things like this help give me something tangible I can point myself to, you know? Thanks for taking the time to chat about this, I appreciate it

  • Acute suicide prevention helplines always seem so weird to me. Like, I’ve had sucidal thoughts for over a decade, either I’m more or less immune to acting on them now, or Ill discover one day that I’m not. Either way, a helpline doesn’t seem useful. (TO ME. In my specific case. Very much not in general. Not out here pretending that the way things are for me is the way things are for everyone.)

    I really enjoy the mental image of my coworkers sitting around frustrated saying things like “why is pix always missing these meetings?” And then having a comedy hard cut to my slowly swinging corpse. I’m not in danger, antidepressants are working well, unfortunately suicidal ideation has been conditioned into me as a response to stress. Like sure, it would be nice to not have to deal with everything causing me problems, but I can deal with em and with the antidepressants I don’t get the massive mood crash that makes it dangerous.

  • Thankfully, that night was the worst of it, and they were much more stable in the morning. They angrily knocked over some stools and stuff, so could have been a lot worse. They did break a light bulb, but like, deliberately? Apparently something they do as a coping method, and they collect the internals. (They were really apologetic about it, but like, if you need to break a lighbulb to cope with that shit, you go right ahead, you know?) I was concerned for them but not for myself, pretty much. Like I said, they were much more stable in the morning and we made a plan to move them in with their grandmother, a somewhat estranged father, and their brother. Took them over yesterday, they should be much better off with family they moatly know and love, and a much more familiar environment. All in all things qent about as well as they possibly could have. I think they expected me to be upset and angry with them and basically kick them out, they seemed surprised when life went on like normal the next morning. (I’ve pretty much been there, my depressive episodes usually involved collapsing into a puddle on the couch, but I did get more manic ones and I coped by running myself ragged. Good to reduce your energy and somehow feels self-destructive while not really being so). So, all in all, I think everything resolved as well as it could have, and we’re still friends. Dealing with that on top of being nastily sick was really rough but I think I weathered it well.