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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • One MAJOR reason most people seem to be missing for the October the 7th attack was indeed religious. But maybe not in the way you’d expect…

    Religious Jews and Evangelical Christians are trying to bring about the apocalypse, from the bible. They believe they must rebuild the Temple. Issue is, al-aqsa is in the temple mound and it’s one of the most sacred places for Muslims. Destroying it would start a major war.

    And they started moving to have the third temple rebuilt. There are plans to demolish al-aqsa and start the works. The three red heifers to be sacrificed, turned into ash and used to purify the priests who will start the building work are the first step.

    If you read Hamas’ explanations for the October 7th attack, al-aqsa is a central part of it. It was called al-aqsa flood after all.

    edit: to clarify, there is real material danger to the al-aqsa mosque

  • I don’t want to debate anything. But you are rejecting reality. Why do you think we are so divided and diving deeper and deeper into useless rabbit holes?

    Sure the internet is “great”, but why do you think it was invented and spread around the world?

    Neoliberalism and post-modernism created and shaped an infinity of tools to control and manipulate us into being atomic neurotic incapable shits.

    I do what I can, and I am not saying to give up. But if you base your struggle on idealisms and reject material reality for what it was and is, there is no chance. We have to understand the world and the systems of power and control fully to even have a chance of doing something.

    Hoping everyone just “wakes up” through hearing the “right ideas” and “rises up” in a glorious movement is just… fantasy, it’s silly. It will never happen.

    We have to study what worked before, and how the world changed from then to now, and try to find a new path that is different. But being always grounded in the actual reality of things. Understanding we have massive hurdles, that never existed before. And how those will shape our struggle.

  • The numbers might a bit different but it’s close enough to illustrate the point.

    My conclusion is not “we have no choice”, but “choosing within the system will never solve anything”.

    And if you really think we have the power… please illuminate me. Give an example of this.

    If you really think we’re in this shit spot because people are lazy or unmotivated, then you don’t understand systems at all.

    People act the way they act because of the system. They do what they do because they exist within capitalism. All the structures around us exist to maintain it. From the moment you’re born to the moment you die, your whole existence is directed by the system.

    From marketing to union busting, from war to elections. It’s all made to serve the system.

    You speak very idealistically about being able to have an impact. But how would that actually look like in our physical material reality? What can we ACTUALLY do that would even make a change?

  • We do have to act, but it’s not voting or “buying” right. Capitalism is self-sustaining through many avenues. Marketing is a big one. And when there’s one company that sells something, you don’t have a choice.

    The system is the issue, and the only solution is a systemic one. But if you study even just a bit of the history of western colonialism and the US empire, you realize that trying to enact that systemic change is basically suicidal.

    What do you do when if you try to do something that will have an impact they kill and jail you?

    We’re in a completely different era of totalitarianism. The powers that be control the world in ways absolute kings in the Middle Ages couldnt even dream of.

    What is an actual material action you think we could take that would actually be effective…?

  • novibe@lemmy.mltoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldMy plan is to crumble with it.
    4 months ago

    I’m sorry but no… sure we should try to make a better world. But we’re not in this shit because of failings of personal responsibility.

    10 companies produce 80% of the pollution in the world. Research after research shows that in “democratic” countries the poorer 90% have basically 0 influence in politics. We literally have no power to make any meaningful change.

    The world will die and it’ll be the fault of a handful thousand families. Not ours.

    Sure, we could’ve stopped them before it got to this point. But when? It’s been like this for thousands of years.

  • When capitalism. That’s when.

    Edit: to clarify, it wasn’t much better before capitalism. But it was less all-encompassing. Feudalism was a shitty structure, worse even than capitalism tbh. But it was much easier to escape it. Not just in the “survivalist hippie camp” that still exists now. But even in everyday life. The system wasn’t shaping every facet of human existence. Only production relations (which is the big one yes). But capitalism has shaped everything around us. Our places of work, sure, but our personal lives. Our inner lives. Everything has been commodified. Mental health, religion, wellness, friendships, love and relationships, families, sickness, children etc. etc. etc… That is the main reason capitalism is worse than anything before it. No other system had the capacity to destroy the planet. None. To destroy all life in it. All in the name of profit. An immaterial, formless concept. Not even a real thing. And there’s not much we can do it seems. I mean there is, and I think it’s pretty clear. But I bet even that gets commodified soon. Bring on the politicians/capitalists death match reality game shows I guess…

  • Holy shit… bro please don’t be racist like this in public. You should keep this shit to your brain and feel deep shame for it. No one ever taught you that?

    The Chinese didn’t break any laws or “steal” anything. China had different copyright laws, and western companies agreed to share technology as part of their agreements with the CPC to operate in the SEZs. If they didn’t want China to have the tech, they could’ve just not taken the deals and go build their factories in India, or Bangladesh, or Malaysia etc.

    And what you describe as the “Chinese mentality” is just literally capitalist logic, aka, psychopathy. It’s projection. The Chinese are winning, so you assume they are the apex capitalists, the Patrick Batemans. But you couldn’t be more wrong. They are winning by finding a different game, and playing it better. The rest of the world is following their lead, and your place on the board is soon to be extinct. So you panic and turn to dumbass things like racism.

  • That’s because the Chinese experience was very peculiar. When American and European investors and industry giants went abroad to outsource manufacturing, they brought in the capital and left with the profits. But the capital, and technology or knowledge, never spread in the colonies or neo-colonies. When China “opened up”, they were real clever about it. They said: “sure, you can open your factories here where there is an abundance of cheap labor. But in exchange, we want the knowledge and technology”. And since opening up China to foreign capital has been the wet dream of capitalists and proto-capitalists for the past several hundreds of years, they accepted the deal. So China was left with the know-how to be able to set-up their own national industries. And the profits of exporting manufactured goods was used for strategic industries and infrastructure, unlike most colonial and neo-colonial experiences where the profits are just pocketed by a national bourgeoisie.