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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • I think Puppy or Damn Small Linux, maybe knoppix, i was on dial up at the time. Then I found that I could request a free Ubuntu install disk and the speed and cleanliness and compiz effects blew my mind. 04 or 06, can’t remember which. From there I think it was xubuntu, mint, arch, arch nvme died and I needed an os immediately so manjaro, got sick of manjaro and garuda sounded neat so i tried it and that’s where I am now on my main. Made a mess toying with wayland and am ready to reinstall, probably back to arch or try out nixos

    edit: reading through all these comments is bringing back so many memories of other distros I played with back then.

  • There’s a chance public/hotel/airplane WiFi will have what’s called a captive portal that will want you to agree to the terms and conditions or pay money to whoever owns the router. This is usually done by redirecting normal web traffic to a page with the tos, but if you’re not browsing the Internet and are instead, say, only using steam, it can cause issues. If that happens pop into desktop mode, open Firefox, go to any website and see if you get redirected to the hotel’s portal.

    At least it used to be that you sometimes needed to open a browser. Maybe technology has advanced past that now days.

    Regarding using other networks - never had a problem, at least not when visiting family and friend’s places