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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • My FF+UBO has some minor hicups like sometimes I need to refresh to get the video to play as it just sits on a black screen (dark mode) with a spinning circle, that is my only issue and usually only once every few days. Oddly enough on Chrome (I use different browsers for different tasks) yesterday when I tried to start a stream the page refused to load, when it mostly did 2 panels would not load, when I went to reuse settings from a previous stream the entire page was missing all the info, after a reboot and 10 mins it finally worked.

    Edit: For some reason I did not think to check my cpu usage so can’t say if I was at 100% or what

  • As a teen I would out eat, in physical quantity, any 2 full grown adults and not gain weight, I was 5’11" @ 125lbs by 16. I could eat several plates of whatever was in front of me, at that time my parents made food, not prepackaged processed crap. Into my 20s I’d sit down and empty a tub of ice cream, not one of them tiny ben & jerrys containers. No weight gain until I hit 28 doing a physical job and went up to 180 lbs of muscle, now I’m 150 ish and can still eat what I want when I want, tho normally I eat to live not live to eat. Calories-in-calories-out, like BMI, is only a part of the whole picture with so many unseen things affecting it, like medicines. And no, being skinny was not an easy ride.

  • Are VR games allowed? I have several indie games I just love to play.

    RFVR is an RPG by a small dev team that are very active on Discord and attentive to players feedback. They just introduced voice commands, you can hire mercenaries all over the world, then later you can hire apprentices that level with you (5 levels below yours). There is crafting of food and spells, improving of weapons at a forge, mining and a tonne more. They have a small demo so you can get the feel of the game.

    Virtual Hunter is by another small dev team. There is one map at the moment (recently reworked and expanded massively) with Red Deer, Fallow Deer, Boar, European Hare, Fox, and Pheasant with particular ammo/weapon for most ethical kill and you are penalised financially (as in no reward or trophy) for not being ethical, the guns are a .303, .223, .44, an over under shotgun with 3 types of ammo, and a bow with 3 or 4 types of arrows. The game takes into account sight, sound, and scent and animals act accordingly.

    Cyube (recently released on psvr after being on Steam for several years) has a single dev who is active on discord and attentive to the community. This is an excellent peaceful voxel building game with lots of mods. There is a limited amount of included blocks but any moron can make new blocks (said moron made a few blocks hehe) there is also a whole modding system for more intricate and involved modding all available through the Steam Workshop.

    Ever wanted to be GOD? Decide the fate of humans and rain love or destruction down on them? Check out Deisim. A flat earthers dream (sorry, had to) build your world 1 tile at a time ensuring your people have the resources they need and watch civilisations emerge, evolve and eventually go to war!

    If this is received well I may drop another list on ya’s. Very few AAA+ games are in my library and the indie ones I’ve listed have way more playtime.