How much is 400 calories of billionaires?
How much is 400 calories of billionaires?
Doom has even been ported to 8088
Perhaps, but bike and walking time don’t change based on traffic
Well those things are like in the same mall where the parking absolutely sucks, so bus was way easier.
“OpenAI - Open for me, not for thee”
If no adult gave a shit, why don’t we see them anymore?
Some would not call that living
Yes, companies want to do the same in Europa, but we have laws for that.
Most managers and owners in US don’t.
Sounds more like “doing the work you hate” world.
¿But how do those snipers get there?
All the “high T alpha males” I’ve ever met are also the least critical thinkers I’ve ever met.
You will not be hired as a forensics investigator, lol
You can’t trust capitalism to take care of your national security
Would be more funny if real Putin was arrested and body double would take over ruling as if nothint happened. Entire Russia just denying the existence of real Putin.
Perhaps Mad Max was just a future prediction of Russia.
OnlyHams you say?
I always thought pasta was italian, but turns out it is more closely related to asians.
Tank of the lake, what is your wisdom?