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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • First, individually targeted advertisement should be illegal. Instead of trying to figure out who I am and serving me ads based on that, they should only be able to look at server side facts. What is the video? This is how television and radio ads have worked for ages. You have a video about SomePopBand, you advertise concert tickets. You have a video about bikes, you advertise bike stuff. You don’t know who I am. Suddenly, the motivation for most of the privacy invading, stalking, nonsense is gutted.

    Some people would still block those static ads. If they showed some restraint, I think more people would accept them. But that’s a sad joke- no profit driven org is going to show restraint.

    Secondly, if they can’t ethically run the business at a profit, the business probably doesn’t deserve to exist. That or it’s a loss leader to get people into the ecosystem.

  • The intersection of “people pleaser” + “inability to accurately imagine the future” + “low social energy” seems to be a vicious and common hell for some folks. They say yes to invites because they want to please the other person, and imagine they’ll totally be up for it, but when the moment arrives they don’t have the juice for it.

    There’s probably other ways to have this problem, but that’s how a few friends have described it.

  • I live in NYC. It’s pretty great.

    I can walk a couple minutes to some bodegas. A couple more minutes to some small groceries. Looking at the map, there’s a couple supermarkets I forgot existed within 15 minutes of walking, in addition to the two I usually go to. There’s also other useful stuff like pharmacies, hardware stores, libraries, and so on. This isn’t a fancy or especially expensive neighborhood.

    I have a hand cart for when I want to buy something heavy.

    I haven’t had a car for like 15 years. I have no regrets. None of the “But what if it rains??” fears have ever been a problem. I can only remember twice in 15 years I needed to borrow someone’s car to move stuff.