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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 13th, 2023


  • I think a big difference is what the free time is like. I worked full time or nearly through college, so I didn’t have much free time in terms of quantity. When I got it, it was often with friends and during the day. When I graduated, I got a job with regular hours for the first time- I had so much free time, but I didn’t have a lot to fill it with, nor did I have a lot of energy after sitting down. Developing an active hobby helped with both, but doesn’t work for everyone.

    I’m in grad school now, working 30 hours a week, and I do feel much more weighed down, but I’m able to set my own schedule a lot more than I could when I worked in an office

  • Family story time: my family is full of academically minded people (three of my grandparents worked as Latin teachers), with varying levels of snobbery and reasonableness. One of the first times my dad went to my maternal grandparents house for dinner, someone said “margarine,” pronouncing it with a hard g. My father asked why, and my grandfather explained that there’s no soft g followed by an a in English.

    My father accepted this, and looking to change the subject, asked if my grandparents could offer any help analyzing “The Ballad of Reading Gaol.”

  • You definitely don’t have to watch her! I liked that video a lot, but don’t care about tech, so I won’t watch her channel either.

    It just feels disrespectful to contradict someone we don’t know about the reason she acts the way she does, especially because she gives a logical chain for her beliefs.

    I don’t know if it’s a healthy way to deal with her trauma, but as she said, she’s just glitchy, as are we all. I can’t look down while going down stairs that I can see through, because my brain tells me they’re less safe than opaque stairs. Is that real? No. Does my understanding that it’s not real make my heart rate slower or my palms less sweaty? No, it’s a glitch. Mine’s more common and probably easier to empathize with, but if I only hung out with rock climbers, they might not understand at all. If they said I was playing a damsel for male attention, it would be infuriating.