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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Is any form of violence or blood a no-no? If you can accept some, Larian (bg3’s developper) was already well known for the Divinity series. Many even say that BG3 is kind of Divinity:Original Sin 3 with a DnD license. You’ll still be killing some people though. Otherwise, I suggest searching for Turn-Based games which BG3 is. You might like Battletech which is a mech warrior themed game or the X-Com series where there’s an alien invasion.

    And also, you might have been mislead by the videos. Yes the brain parasite is important but you’re really only directly dealing with mind flayers (the tentacle clad monsters) in the very beginning and very end. The rest is just a classic fantasy setting.

  • Anybody else experiencing game breaking bugs right now?

    Like I can’t sell my stuff now, game will insta crash when I click on an item to sell, doesn’t matter which character’s backpack and doesn’t matter if I barter or trade. Also, it takes like 5 minutes before the vendors items or cash appears.

    Characters won’t engage in combat at all and randomly. When I select them to engage an enemy, they teleport to another location and no matter what, they won’t attack. It’s like they are in another game entirely. I also can’t switch back to the characters that are in the fight.

    Lot’s of freezing too. I have to save scum before entering any convo now as it might just lock me out of any action for 30 minutes or straight up crash. And my charisma Shadowheart is useless now since it’s always my Barb Half orc with 8 CHR talking no matter what. And this was an intended patch??? Wtf.

    I’ve reinstalled the game for the patch and again yesterday with no changes. Any tips? The only thing I can think of is that it’s an old save, hadn’t played since october but it’s late act 3 and I just really want to finish this campaign.

    edit: And when I mean crash, I mean the game loads up like it was the first time. All the tutorials are back and all my settings or keybindings are back to default. It just resets the game entirely.

  • I totally agree with everything you are saying. But you have to consider the application of said material. A bike frame that bends is a failed part and it does not matter how much more force it can resist, it is now useless. I also am speaking of catastrophic failure by the way, as in there is no bike anymore after this crash type of incident. In these cases, I believe the carbon bike will endure a greater amount of force than a steel bike. And that’s also while being far lighter because at equal weight there is really no contest.

  • I understand that it does not do well beyond it’s yield point. What I’m saying is that this yield point is higher when you are comparing specific applications like a bike frame for example. In the video, you can clearly see that the same force (in this case impact) just ruins the aluminium frame while the CF bounces back, repeatedly and while increasing the force applied. I am not saying that it’s completely fine and safe, I’m saying it’s still a usable bike frame even if unsafe if we are speaking peak strenght. This can make the difference between being able to ride back home and being stranded.

  • I agree that the damage can’t be ignored when it happens but that’s not my point at all. I’m just saying that the force needed to inflict this damage would have destroyed a metal frame to a greater extent rendering it immediately useless. That is also part of why carbon parts are so light. You need much less material to achieve similar strength.

    Here’s an example of the difference between a carbon and aluminium MTB frame of the same bike model. Again, I’m not saying these frames are undamaged, I’m just pointing at how much more repeated and specifically applied force is needed to damage them when talking about two parts used for the same application.

    edit:fixed the link

  • Carbon’s elasticity limit is far beyond what steel’s plastic deformation point is though. That means a carbon frame will still be structurally sound as a bike frame after being through an impact that would bend a steel frame to be unusable. Steel is tough, carbon is strong.

    Of course there is some impacts that will shatter it but a metal frame would’ve bent beyond any repairs from the same impact in 100% of the cases.

  • Yeah weight is the best advantage for carbon imo. Of course when you’re riding it’s a marginal performance gain nobody really needs nor want. But when you’re not it’s a massive difference. Try going up a tight spiral staircase to reach you front door with a 25lbs roadie. Now do that twice a day to commute to work and suddenly the steel part really, really sucks. Even more recent options are still 50% heavier not to mention as expensive as some cheaper CF options, not all of them are 10k. Aluminium is really the only good alternative as far as I’m concerned.

    And they also think looks is a valid argument.

  • They’re not thinking about these things as games, generally, but specifically how they’ll be perceived by the Xbox audience. It looks to me like they discounted BG3, at least in part, because it couldn’t split-screen on series S. They’re thinking about games you play on the couch, in a group, maybe during a party - not games you play solo for hours or days on end.

    And that’s what I mean. They are wrong on all counts because they don’t understand what makes a game successful. They only consider the monetary success of their own. They also think “xbox” audience is somehow different and want something else than other platform users. Sure couch is cool but let’s not pretend that this is really how people are gaming nowadays. People like all games when they are well made, complete from the start and just fucking work. Throw a bit of good writing in there and you have a GOTY contender. BG3 is just far above that only and that’s why I’m saying if anyone an MS looked into BG3 and Larian and chose not to sign, they are incompetent idiots.

  • They are just proving they don’t understand what makes games sell at all then. Anybody who had experienced the early access (they had like 3 years to do so) knew this was a special game. Anybody who tried the DOS series also knew and are probably here because of those anyway. The success of this game was obvious way before it came out. This is just another proof that the people running the business have no idea of what they are doing. They just cannot judge of stuff before they have numbers and it’s why we should get rid of these leeches. So again, the only surprised people are the idiots that don’t understand shit about modern games.