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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • That’s along the lines of what I expected. I’m always just curious how our brains work, so thank you.

    I always try to find an alternative to the word regardless of the context because it’s not like it’s hard to do and I’d rather not cause that reaction in anyone if possible.

    It sucks that we keep doing the same thing over and over as a society as this is not the first word ruined by being used in the exact same manner as a way to bully and harass and make fun of people.

    You’d think some day we’d learn that we can actually teach people not to be shitty and we don’t have to accept this behavior from people at all.

  • I have a question about for you about this if you don’t mind. In certain mechanical situations the word is used to describe a delay added (for example in a car engine you may use this word to describe a certain timing adjustment).

    Does the word in a context like that still cause that visceral reaction or does the context make it different - is it only when used to describe people that it hits that way?

    I’m only asking this because it popped into my head the other day when I was reading my service book on my engine and ran across it.

    It’s kinda similar to how people commonly used a shortened form of ‘transmission’ in the automotive industry but it became a slur for trans people - I feel like I haven’t heard that one in a while so I’m guessing it’s fallen out of use, but I was just always curious if the taint of people bullying with that word crossed over into other contexts.

  • They explain how this works in their “tips” app - ie the user guide.

    You seem to think that because you expect something to work a certain way, everyone does, and that’s just not true at all. For most of the history of iMessage, they were never synced. Eventually they rolled out the option to sync them with iMessage for iCloud. You can choose to use it or not. But I would suggest that just as many people think that deleting a text from one device won’t delete it from the others.

    This is not the case of “apple” storing the message anywhere. This is the case of a user storing his messages locally on his Mac and then sharing the account with his wife. He’s clearly an idiot, but sure, blame Apple for not being able to save him from himself.

  • Yes, they do.

    This article is short on details but basically the situation is that for most of the lifetime of iMessage, you sign in with your Mac and your phone and your iPad and whatever. These messages are not synced. If you sign in on a new device, the old one’s don’t show up. If you delete from one device it has no affect on the other.

    Later they introduced iMessage in iCloud , which is an opt in service. iMessage in iCloud, once set up on your devices, allows you to sync your messages amongst these devices by storing these messages in the cloud. This is not enabled by default, probably because security wise it’s probably safer to not store your messages in the cloud.

    In the “Tips” app on my iPhone (which is the user guide app), they explicitly state you have to enable it on all of your devices. You can have some set up to store in the cloud and another device just logged in and storing messages locally. This is to give you the flexibility to store all of your messages long term on one or more devices but not on all of them or in the cloud.

    I don’t know about you, but I much prefer the option to store my data where I want rather than to be forced to have it in the cloud (and therefore synced) just because some shitty people are too stupid to know how to cover the evidence of their shitty behavior and want to shift blame to anyone but themselves.

  • It’s not illicit to put non ethanol gas in any vehicle, and even if it were would you actually expect gas stations to confirm the type of vehicle that’s getting fuel for every transaction before the customer is allowed to swipe their card and fill up?

    You may be confusing ethanol free gas with off road diesel, which is basically just lower taxed and not dyed. Even then it’s not up to the gas station to police who buys it.

  • die444die@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonesquander rule
    2 months ago

    This is the actual list:

    Neglecting Personal Development

    According to Buffett, the best investment one can make is in oneself. Enhancing skills and education can boost earning potential significantly. Knowledge and abilities are assets that no one can take away from you.

    Relying On Credit Cards

    Credit cards can be convenient, but high interest rates can quickly overshadow any benefits if you don’t pay the full balance monthly. Buffett advises against needless spending that could lead to credit card debt.

    Frequenting Bars and Pubs

    Spending on social activities like drinking at bars can add up. Opting for more affordable social gatherings, like home get-togethers, can help save significantly.

    Chasing the Latest Technology

    New gadgets may be tempting, but often, last year’s model serves just as well. Buffett himself has a history of sticking to functional rather than flashy tech. It’s important to assess if the latest upgrades genuinely provide added value for the price.

    Overspending on Clothes

    Buffett, along with other billionaires, leans towards simplicity in his wardrobe. Choosing classic, durable clothes over flashy, expensive brands can result in significant savings.

    Buying New Cars

    Cars are notorious for their rapid depreciation. Buffett recommends buying pre-owned cars and holding onto them for as long as they’re reliable, instead of falling for the allure of the new models.

    Unused Gym Memberships

    Buffett promotes an active lifestyle but cautions against unused gym memberships. Free or low-cost fitness routines can be just as effective if regularly practiced.

    Unnecessary Subscription Services

    Subscription services, if not carefully monitored, can become a financial drain. Review these regularly and cancel those that don’t provide value.

    Over-Reliance on Skincare Products

    Buffett advises against overusing or needlessly combining skincare products. Finding a simple and effective routine can save both money and your skin.

    Regular Nights Out

    While socializing is essential, frequent nights out can be a significant expense. Opting for budget-friendly alternatives like home-cooked meals and movie nights can cut costs considerably.


    While gambling might seem like a shortcut to wealth, Buffett emphasizes the importance of understanding the odds. He urges people to make financial decisions that favor their long-term wealth accumulation, not momentary thrills.


    Smoking, beyond its health implications, is a costly habit. Quitting can lead to a significant boost in your personal budget.

  • Even if he does spend 2 weeks with them, he frequently talks about stuff he is out of his depth on.

    Just because he had access to interesting cars doesn’t make him a good car reviewer. If I want to see what the inside of a Lamborghini Miura looks like, sure he’s probably got a video of it.

    If I want to know anything about a modern car that I may purchase though, he’s one of the last people I’d look to.

  • I’ve owned several VW’s including diesels and yes, currently an id.4. I am a fan of VW cars, but I don’t really care about the perception of the company - I like the cars but it’s really more that I like my local dealership and find their cars superior to others at the same price point.

    The reason I brought this specific incident up was because it’s easier to remember, but I find Doug fairly frequently was misinformed about things. It was fine when he was just showing off stuff he thought was interesting, but once he started reviewing cars currently for sale, it really jumped out to me that he’d just be ranting about stuff he just didn’t understand and was not a reliable reviewer. The only reason I kept tolerating him for a while was that he has access to interesting old cars I wouldn’t be able to see otherwise, but as far as the new stuff, he was unqualified imo.

    I do agree with your point that most people would do test drives, etc, but this came at a time when these cars were not available on lots and many people began canceling their orders based on the perception of the car which seemed to be widely based on Doug’s review. I just happened to luck into one being at my dealer, and was able to test drive it, but at the time they were very hard to find and most peoples orders had not yet been delivered. It definitely hindered sales and was totally blown out of proportion.

    That said, VW should have handled the response to it better - they basically just ignored it, and that’s on them.

    I also remember the diesel scandal quite well because I was just about to sell my diesel beetle when the story broke and the price plummeted.

    Thankfully between my dealer and VWoA they made it right, so it didn’t turn me off from them completely. What became known the following year was that it was not just VW, but almost the entire automotive industry engaging in similar tactics, but that was not nearly as widely reported.

    As far as MKBHD, that makes sense, and it could be just an outdated opinion I have of them based on much older reviews.

  • FYI, Id.4 gets much closer to 300 miles of range. VW has always underestimated their efficiency, even on gas/diesel cars imo.

    The reason I don’t think I’m overestimating Doug’s reach is that I was constantly seeing people parroting and citing his review after it came out. All anyone seemed to talk about was how bad the infotainment system was. While the infotainment system was kinda a dog until you make some settings changes, it was in no sense bad enough to warrant the kind of hysterics that people were having over it. I’ve definitely seen worse systems in other cars I’ve driven - especially considering CarPlay and android auto function perfectly fine and speedy. The car is not above criticism, but it seemed a lot of people were taking his word as gospel and/or becoming obsessed with a fairly minor detail.

    I’ve never heard of humane before this and I wasn’t talking about that review specifically, but I’ve seen reviews before (I believe they were phone reviews, but it’s been a while) from MKBHD where I felt some minor thing was being blown out of proportion or where he didn’t seem to understand that some people may appreciate something being done a different way than he expected and therefore I quit watching his videos because they didn’t appeal to me.

    In my opinion, both reviewers I’ve mentioned here tend to have some hot takes that garner way too much traction, and I can understand that frustration if you’ve created a product that they then trash. I’m not saying that it’s their intention to do so, but I do think it can be irresponsible to present things the way they do - especially since these reviews remain live much longer than a software cycle might.