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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Really? Why does Deathstroke and Deadpool both exist? One is DC, one is Marvel, and Deadpool pretty much started as an expy. Slade Wilson and Wade Wilson. You’re arguing from a place of what feels like it should be wrong, yet your fake example has been done in the real world and they got away with it.

    This happens so many times in industries they can often just argue parody. In fact, changing a name slightly is classic parody to avoid being sued. Japan in particular often just bleeps out a syllable or forgets a character in the name.

  • Lots of games are also called Roguelike. Based off a game called Rogue. The makers of Rogue do not get to sue the makers of Hades.

    Pets that fight for you, including being able to store them for portable carry has been done by many other games, including Ark. In fact, playing Palworld made me compare it more to Ark than Pokemon: base building, automation, catching dinos/animals/monsters of different varieties for different uses. Some can fly, some run, some can be used as parachutes. Some help automate actions at base. There is a tech tree unlocked by leveling, starting with primitive weapons and moving on to guns and higher caliber guns. Blueprints are common in ark for higher quality crafts to build at, you guessed it, crafting benches.

    Collecting wood, stone, metals, etc. Also the animal assistants can help there too, but only certain ones. Also, Ark has cryopods for storing your animals/dinosaurs. You even throw em to release.

    If they had exactly Pikachu or something it’s one thing, but similar games are just part of the business.

  • I’ve spoken with plenty of feminists, vegans, some trans people, and several right wing constitutionalists or other right wing identity. Almost every vegan I’ve talked to in RL was very pleasant and I had to know them a while or go to lunch with them to even find out they’re vegan. Trans I’ve never had a problem with, and occasionally reminded me their preferred pronouns in a very polite way (actually our mutual friends usually did instead). Feminists I’ve only found TERFs annoying.

    However the constitutionalist? I got in arguments with him about stuff like whether people should be liable for animal abuse (he claimed animals don’t have a soul so no punishment should come from harming them). He also acted like women were too emotional, but every time we got into a discussion with something he didn’t like he would be nearly yelling. If asked to be calm he’d angry claim not to be logical, not angry/emotional. He was the one we had to walk on eggshells around, while also being the main person doing “wife bad” or other misogynistic jokes.

    While that’s one example, I’ve met many others who like to be mean then retreat to “just joking” or “That’s how I grew up”, while the people you claim are more annoying are more likely to adjust to the feelings or likes or dislikes of the person they’re talking with.

  • Yeah, JWs (I’m ex) believe climate change is foretold in Rev 11:18, which says (dunno which version, just googled, but not the JW version as it uses ruining the Earth);

    The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth.

    Italics mine. JW version is bring >“to ruin those ruining the Earth.” Either way, they believe that means God will stop and destroy those bringing about climate change. Since it relies on God, it’s another one that really doesn’t help even if they believe in in, because they believe God will stop it before it’s too late.