• 23 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • I don’t think this is the exact cause for the situation, but having more book related forks would probably just do harm by splitting up the audience. The book reading trackers are absolutely dominated by Goodreads, and any alternative desperately needs as much user concentration as possible.

  • This has to have some weird ass allegorical meaning.

    EDIT: So apparently this is a picture from a “Stammbuch” (“friendship book”) by some Ludwig Hetzer, from 1620. The scan of the book can be found here: http://digital.wlb-stuttgart.de/purl/bsz475519329 (at 12 recto; has lots of other fascinatingly weird drawings and miniature paintings).

    The lower part of the page seems to be a dedication from a friend in Latin (seems to be referring to a birthday?), and above might be the text (probably a proverb) that explans the image but it’s in Greek and I can barely decipher cursive Greek, much less figure out the meaning. The first word seems to be θεος (god), the last might be διχαζει (divide?).

    Tbh just going off my intuition and the themes in other pictures in the book… the woman is poking the man with a stick with a heart-shaped ending, which could symbolise love/sexuality/marriage. So it could be like a caricature/“warning” showing a wife controlling her husband, literally pushing him around through emotional influence.

  • less hate towards those who own several houses

    There wasn’t hate, period. I find it a foreign and even anachronistic mindset, I’d sooner expect people here to be simply jealous of those better-off. Also, owning several houses, not just two, could be problematic, the govt would probably try to nationalise some of them, at the very least in the early period.

    I don’t know the details of how it was all managed, housing wasn’t definitely guaranteed (SFRY had a rapid urbanisation of the population, and apparently it wasn’t easy to meet the demand for new housing), but overall the rate of homelessness was quite low, in part also thanks to the culture that didn’t mind large families living in a single house.

  • I do get easily annoyed by some people

    Right, by some people. Now, if this were a real situation in a clinic and not a persecution fantasy, chances are the therapist would inquire how and why those people cause annoyance exactly. Basically: is your reaction reasonable (annoyed by someone causing you actual harm, non-trivial discomfort, etc.) or unreasonable (annoyed by trivial things such as someone’s clothes, skin colour if you’re a racist, etc.)?

    I get angry and resentful when I think about the current state of politics.

    Do you take out that anger and resentment upon other people, in ways which are harmful to them? Is your daily life hampered by those emotions? If not, it probably doesn’t count as a symptom.

    And I do get spiteful when authority figures ask me to do something ridiculous (malicious compliance, basically)

    It is not abnormal to react negatively to ridiculous tasks.

    I don’t believe that psychologists would count these things as actual symptoms. Probably you’re fine and healthy.