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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • I started the series as a teenager and I’m not going to stop just because I’m older now.

    That said I was also reading my parent’s books when I was younger too. I grew up on Dan Brown and Clive Cussler just as much as I grew up on Rick Riordan and Anthony Horowitz. I feel like my taste in books has only devolved as I’ve gotten older if anything.

  • If this was law, and companies had to divulge how there stuff worked and was assembled, as well as sell parts, things would last longer.

    I’m all for it but I think you’re being a bit too optimistic. If we had the right to repair then the prices of repair kits and materials is going to go up most likely. I can think of a few other ways they can make that system obnoxious too.

    It’s like everything else. Yeah, the general systems in place could be greatly improved but ultimately the majority of the issues lie with the people at the top who refuse to let us have good things. No matter what laws are passed they will find a way to profit at any cost. The shareholders behind massive corporations are the first priority because no solution we create will work as efficiently as it can unless they are out of the picture.

  • Reddit could always be aggressive, and if you search up the OP it looks like they went into a passionate community and stirred it up.

    They didn’t deserve this level of vitriol or the lack of elucidation though. That’s definitely gotten worse over time. Part of why I left was how aggressively immature it had become, to the point where you couldn’t have normal conversations there anymore.

  • Can’t tell if you’re being ingenuine intentionally or just misunderstanding.

    This is far from a middle path. This is the path of aggressively standing between Russia and Ukraine. No where did I ever say that I blame Ukraine for fighting back either. They’re doing what is necessary, but the fighting shouldn’t have ever been necessary if other countries from around the world were willing to put their troops down and tell Russia no.

    As for Putin and the nukes, I really don’t get it. It’s always going to be this way with Russia. Are you just going to let them take more and more? If Russia invades the rest of Europe are they just not going to fight back because Putin has the capacity to nuke them? At some point there will be a confrontation between Russia and other countries from the world. How much are people going to be willing to give up out of fear that nuclear weapons will be used?