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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • TheDoozer@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldTacos.
    1 month ago

    Religion doesn’t stop a bad person from being evil. It can convince a bad person they’re still good (better!) when they do evil.

    And good people don’t need religion to do good. But it can make them overlook the evil of other religious people and protect them, making them bad.

    The best-case scenario is that religion can have no effect on how good or bad someone is. Good people stay good despite religion, not because of it.

  • I feel like every time I hear “neat” it’s meant semi-sarcastically. Like, okay, I guess that’s kind of interesting, but it’s not really relevant or I don’t know how to continue the conversation.

    “So, not that it relates to anything we’re talking about, but I’m a world champion in this one very niche thing that you’ve never heard of.”


  • Oops, missed the name, my fault. It sounded like MilitantVegan responding, so I didn’t check.

    But if you think it’s contrary to my point, you’re missing my point. The point is, it doesn’t matter how right you are if you end up making no change because you’re an asshole about it.

    To be clear, yes, in this situation history may look back on meat eaters as we do the doctors that wouldn’t wash their hands. That’s perfectly possible. But MilitantVegan (and every other vegan that tries to confront and shame people into being vegan) is not helping the situation, they’re just patting themselves on the back for being right. That doctor didn’t do much to save lives, either, regardless how right he was about it.

  • I get what you’re saying, but the reality is if you are trying to do good, it doesn’t matter how “right” you are if you are a dick about it.

    Take Doctor Ignaz Semmelweis, for example. He worked hard and found a way to dramatically reduce deaths of women in childbirth (and tons of others besides) by washing hands after autopsies. Instead of trying to convince other doctors and influence the medical culture, he confronted and shamed other doctors, even to the point the doctors who he had gotten to start washing their hands stopped. Could he have caught more flies with honey than vinegar? Probably. But he was right, so what did it matter the method he used?

    What mattered is hand-washing didn’t get adopted. But I’m sure being right offered him some comfort when he was dying of sepsis in a mental asylum. Not to mention the women who died of infection.

    The point is, do you want to Be Right, or do you want to do good? Because all this makes it sound like you want to Be Right.

  • At my old unit, we somehow managed to justify (and purchased) a really nice 3D printer for my shop. One of the pilots came in at one point and printed a 9 inch long purple spiraled Unicorn horn with NVG mount locking points built into the base, and attached it to the flight helmet of another pilot who everyone thought was a bronie. It was a masterpiece and fit perfectly.