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Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • So it looks like for senior design classes the students don’t have to be associated with projects where they lose their IP rights. But sponsors have the right to say a project will give all IP to the sponsor. I imagine how this works in practice is all external companies will require they retain IP then the professor creates additional projects where ip can be retained but these are usually canned projects solving some trivial problem that won’t really allow the students to go anywhere interesting with the project. I am not saying that’s the case but I remember at my undergrad and at the UC school that was the case.

  • I worked at a UC and companies retained all IP across all UCs and my undergrad school from the east coast was the same way. I’ve never heard of a university that let students keep their IP. I would imagine it would be hard to attract outside companies since the companies pay to be a part of the program. Can you point to a university program that allows students to retain their IP for senior design projects? I know if a student is doing a project through the school for a different class like a lab and they invent something or are volunteering the university has no claim to it but senior design is different.

  • No that’s not the message, the message is if he doesn’t listen to the people he won’t win the election. It’s a scary precedent to set that if the Democratic party doesn’t listen to +70% of it’s people and he still gets elected simply because the other side is worse when would they listen to their voters? The other side is always worse at least since I’ve been following politics(since Bill Clinton). They always use that to excuse their inaction because they think voters will be too afraid of the opposition to question it. This is a clear message and for the reason to stop a genocide. If now is not a time to take a stand idk when will be.

  • Im only 4 episodes in so I can’t give a full review but I think the problem is there were some choices that were made that ruined the heart of what was good about the show. Uncle iroh and saka are not funny at all. I just saw the 4th episode which has the caves of omashu and the singing hippies were hilarious but got mostly removed. It’s like they think laughing would cheapen then shows seriousness or something. There is no love connection between aang and katara. And they added a bunch of storyline from season 2 for some reason.

  • Unfortunately I can’t open the links on my phone so it’s hard to follow what you’re describing. I understand the rays aren’t perfectly parallel but they’re pretty close to parallel. Do you mind doing the math of where you are getting 3km from I’m not really following your logic. It doesn’t make sense to me that the light should suddenly spread out way more after bouncing off a mirror than if it has just continued traveling straight.

  • Light doesn’t have to spread wider than a target or else you wouldn’t be able to have telescopes or magnifine glasses. Each panel in unison can act like a giant magnifine glass. The difference in power density would be the ratio of the distance of sun to earth squared vs (sun to earth + earth to satellite) squared which is basically negligible. Where do you get the 3km wide beam? Suns rays are almost parallel.

  • It depends how the actual system was set up if they used flat reflectors then yeah it applies but the difference in power would be the ratio of the distance from earth to the sun vs the distance of E to S +mirror to satellite which would be negligible. If you had a parabolic mirror you could get no loss in power. The power density square law only apply because the area the light is being distributed over is growing at a square ratio to radius but if the beams are parallel the area doesn’t grow.