• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2023


  • I wonder why no business types/economists (*) types don’t just stand up and go ‘this is all a scam’. It started with just needing a website (with some added idea that it might reduce advertisement costs, replace some secretaries who used to handle information requests). Fine, you can buy those and maintenance and running costs is cheap. And then you need an ecommerce site, so you need a team of devs, admins, security people, but it brings in some revenue. But then every five years there is something else, and then you are running a huge team of STEM people who all are working on the pivot to Apps/AI/Quantum resistant whatever/NFTs/Cryptocurrencies/GDPR/continuous development/checking if none of the daily updates of all your huge dependencies break something/microservices/huge cloud bills/training of these tech people/moderation of your sites for pedophiles, racists, other extremists, and random satanic scare style worries. Bottom line somebody must have discovered something like 'wait why are we spending this much money on all this crap? We sell pet food for fucks sake, Ecommerce didn’t reduce our costs as now we need to hire an maintain delivery people and cars.

    *: I know why, because their jobs are also in on the scam.

  • Funny, as I also assume LLMs will cause the death of the Junior Developer, but not because the job dissapears, but because due to relying on LLMs devs never really build the skills to understand software and will suck so hard people will not hire them for the junion -> senior positions. And it gets even worse for the junior dev when the LLMs enshittify (either by the output degrading or the deal altering more and more pray they don’t alter the deal further).

    Guess the difference of opinion here is calling people who use LLMs junior devs vs calling them senior devs.

    I’m oddly reminded of the person who used copilot to write a script to do something (which they offered to others), and didn’t know what http errors meant. (they just asked the LLM how to fix it).