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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • The Dutch police have their ups and downs but nothing heinous like in the post has happened so far. The Dutch law also states that the police is not allowed to use more violence than absolutely necessary. Which is obviously difficult but seems reasonably well followed.

    That doesn’t mean protests are not broken up, but there has to be a reason why. Recent pro Palestine protests at Universities are broken up because, well, they were making it (partially) impossible to to attend said universities. Same with extinction rebellion protesting on a busy highway.

    The Dutch police definitely has their problems with racial profiling and stuff though.

    I could definitely be wrong, please correct me if I am.

  • I’m not the person you asked but there aren’t credit scores where I live (Netherlands).

    First of all when you take a loan it’s officially registered with the Bureau of credit registration. Yes paying of a loan nicely will still help but not having any loans at all is usually better. If you already have a loan you can’t loan as much money. So there’s some kind of system but generally loaning as little ad possible is much better. There’s no score though, just positive and negative registrations. Every loan above 250€ is registered. This includes stuff like a phone subscription with included phone.

    Besides that if you want loan the lender will ask for income and expenses.

    Also almost nobody ever uses credit cards. We all just use debit cards. So you can’t spend what you don’t have.