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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Being genuinely curious - how do the folks who advocate for the elimination of all personal cars (as it seems by the conversation) see that working in modern society?

    The impression, as I perceive, is that the hardcore “fuck cars” devotees would “Thanos snap” and disappear the entirety of the car… society(?) Infrastructure, petrol, private transport ownership, roads… And I’d wager there’s a bit of crossover with the “fuck planes” and “ships” as well. I’m not saying that all of these don’t bring and have major problems that require big, expensive solutions/changes if we want to remain living. I’m asking: how would you propose dealing with global society that is accustomed to going 75 mph when they wake up one morning and they’re now going 2.5 mph?