• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • “One rule for thee, another for me” is indeed a not great proposition. Unfortunately, NC voted for Trump that did so much to cause that quoted thought to flourish, and also to harm the climate further e.g. withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord.

    Democrats were the ones who have historically offered aid to those affected by massive natural disasters, and Republicans are the ones who claim that such aid should not be offered, except ofc when it happens in their own area (e.g. Chris Christy advocating for rich people:s second, beach homes in NJ vs. his earlier thoughts when it was poor people in New Orleans that lost everything).

    So let’s hope that NC wakes up to facts, as opposed to e.g. voting for Trump a third time in a row, and thereby further deepening this hole that we are digging ourselves into.

    Politics matters, as in literally life and death.

  • Poor people live where they can afford to, however they can. In trailer parks, in a tent, in a log cabin, however they can. Even knowing that someplace is likely to flood again, someone will choose to live there. For someone who has a minimum wage job, no savings, and with most houses costing a significant fraction of a million dollars, they don’t have the choice to live in a floating sky castle or 20,000 leagues under the sea or on a moon colony, so they’ll choose to live even somewhere where life is difficult.

    Agreed though that people should not pay the full asking price for such a place, as if it would not flood, that is… probably happening, but not wise at all.

  • Not really - I am not there but from what I hear it has become overrun with a flood of people flocking towards it seeking the liberal utopia that it sold itself as (and legit was, and most likely still is) but the people there (surrounding it I guess) don’t really want to make way yet still control things like what streets and bike paths are constructed etc.

    So not everyone who wants to move there can really fit - there’s only so much space in it.

  • Most people seem to have a particular brand of irresponsibility wherein they avoid their own problems by distracting themselves with those of others. It can work out semi-okay even, under some conditions like a spouse caring for someone who also cares for them in return, though ofc it’s not ideal in the sense of not taking care of yourself. But very little in life is ever fully “ideal” so… I’m saying that at least this form of mental unhealth isn’t as damaging as e.g. doing drugs can be.

    And it can be predated upon by the unscrupulous. Which technology allows to happen quicker, and with greater reach (breadth of those affected) and depth (if everyone around you believes in something, then surely it couldn’t be “false” now could it?) than was ever possible before, even with organized religion (e.g. Catholics seem to listen more to Faux News than to the literal Pope).

    i.e., listening to those “in charge” is actually a good thing, and democracy is also a good thing (if implemented well), but listening to idiots who inflame tensions subverts those good processes, and converts the outcomes to very bad ones. This is why I fear that democracy itself might be about to fail, at least as practiced in the USA - not just bc Trump said that people would only have to vote for him once more and then they’d never need to vote ever again, but bc regardless of whether he wins, there is a huge segment of the population (something like 42%, although due to the Electoral College manages to control the entire outcome) that is pushing for that, and will continue to do so on the next ballot, and the one after that, etc. Plus digs their heels in every time they lose to control outcomes either way - e.g. the government shutdowns holding the budgets hostage.

    So I am glad that you are responsible, and quite frankly even the idiots are trying to be, as they vote how they do bc their self-chosen leaders told them to, but we all have blind spots, some far more than others.

  • Except scientists have been predicting that they will happen, with increasing frequency from now onwards. Ignoring those predictions isn’t the same as them not existing. Those predictions may not say like “May 11, 2025 a mudslide will go down this specific hill”, but even lacking precision they are proving fairly accurate (especially “the climate is currently changing” and “as that process occurs, both the frequency and severity of dangerous storms will increase”).

    Tbf, the for-profit media only sells stories that make the most profits, not what would be most beneficial for people to be made aware of. And while the latter used to be done by the government, now that “facts” themselves are “political”, it is hamstrung in that regard, especially held hostage by the budgetary fights. And with the two most official sources of factual information delivery having been coopted, we now have left behind the information age and have already entered the era of misinformation, or dare we say even disinformation, especially for people who get their “news” from Facebook.

    On the bright side, the more stuff that happens, the easier it gets to predict. In the meantime, a lot of people are going to not merely lose some money but actually and fully die, maybe after seeing their entire families die before their eyes. And as it happens they will be shocked, Shocked I say, SHOCKED! Again, just as happened before with covid as well, and as also happens to each individual woman who has a miscarriage or such and needs a medically necessary abortion, but only when it is far too late to do anything about it - i.e. to fly or drive hundreds of miles to another state and live there for the duration of the pregnancy - finds out that yes those laws apply to her as well (surely she thinks to herself, “b-b-but this isn’t an abortion, it’s necessary!?” To which the doctors can only think to themselves “ikr!?!?!? if only ‘facts’ mattered, you know!?”), and this in areas that are at least well-off enough to not have healthcare deserts that won’t even handle regular pregnancies.

    The one thing we know for sure: it’s bad news.

    You made some very good points and I hope you don’t think I’m picking on you, I just thought these additional considerations seemed highly relevant. Lastly I guess I’m disagreeing with the final point: no, we cannot even all agree that it’s bad news, when the budget affecting literally all of us is held hostage by people who are still adamant about it not being allowed to be considered that it is happening at all. So yes, it is bad news, but the obstinacy surrounding that bodes far worse for us all than each individual incident could ever be.

  • Profanity filters barely begins to scratch the surface of the heavy restrictions on lemmy.ml. The admins there are also well-known for banning people from not just communities but the entire instance if you criticize China, Russia, North Korea, etc., or certain leaders of such, or communist, etc. Imagine a Truth Social instance, except claiming to be leftist instead of right-wing - their way is the correct way and that’s final, dissent not allowed.

    As it result, it has developed into quite the echo chamber. Not that that matters much to you bc you can access most communities across the entire Fediverse from there, or vice versa.

    What may matter to you though is that many people, myself included, have user blocks in place (and lemmy.cafe has even defederated from it entirely) that prevents us from getting notifications from people on that instance. Blocking the big three instances (hexbear.net, Lemmygrad.ml, and lemmy.ml) cuts out >99% of the toxic crap coming our way, at the expense of conversations with innocent people who merely were not aware of the history of that instance and its relation to the Fediverse at large. I also lose out on a few larger communities that way but for me at least I consider it well worth the cost. So if you ever feel isolated, like people from other instances are ignoring what you say… it may be due to this effect, i.e. we may literally not even be aware that you replied to us at all.

    So now you know.

  • Some nice points but also NC voted for Trump in the last two presidential elections - and this despite having been a swing state prior to that?

    So yeah, not as deep a red state as they could be, but they were still fairly influential in e.g. dropping out of the Paris Climate Accord, not merely individually as a state but in causing the entire United States of America to do so.

    The best time to have done something was yesterday - or in this case, 8 years ago.

    Though the second best time is now.

  • During the pandemic, Trump dragged his feet in developing a response to it - leaked conversations mentioned how individual #1 liked the fact that it was primarily affecting highly liberal areas such as NYC and LA, while leaving conservative strongholds such as Idaho and Utah alone, and had asked about delaying the federal response a bit so as to let the people in the former stew in it a bit more, for his political advantage.

    Also I note that that same individual #1 was in charge of nationwide disaster recovery efforts - even going so far as to take the binders of ready-made plans and throw them into the garbage.

    So this whole “it is not the job of the government to use its tax collected revenue to take care of We The People” is very much by design. i.e. not merely a factual matter but a political one, in having to choose between deeper tax breaks for the wealthy vs. preparedness. And Individual #1 made that choice, in conjunction with Congress, that now applies to us all.

    In fact, the former swing state turned Republican stronghold NC is one of the very reasons why climate change is hitting us so strong and fast, unprepared and seemingly even unawares.

    Perhaps “admitting that climate change is real and doing something about it” is something that NC will now change its mind about, so that the federal government can do differently?

    But I somewhat doubt it. It is very hard to help someone who seems dead set against being helped, nor allowing the rest of us to help ourselves as well (see e.g. medically necessary abortions).