• 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 23rd, 2024


  • I think that’s what a lot of people miss is the trade/political aspect of schism. While I’m sure millions held genuine beliefs, it’s hard to understate the economic reality of the church in those days. Huge land holdings, an ancient web of power and obligations reaching into every life, every transaction, every political appointment. When it became conceivable to break with this system, it was broken. This breaking was Consequential. Hence the centuries of warfare and strife. It’s all about that money honey.

  • I grew up in northern Minnesota. Fuck whatever your saying. You absolutely can pop to the grocery. It’s disingenuous AF to say this place is inhospitable without automobiles. The Anishinaabe have managed it. I managed it. Litteral millons do.

    What you meant to say is “surviving in a place like Minnesota requires planning and community” I’m MN born and raised. I haven’t owned an automobile for 15years. It’s very possible.

    And seeing how there’s ten billion souls on this planet, rapidly fucking it up, it would behoove us to live with less resource expenditures. Any way you stack it up, from leaded gasoline to the sleekest EV, the personal automobile is a gluttonous, selfish act. We can live without them, your very existence is proof. Ride the bus, snow shoe, ski, walk bus, fuck.

  • I know they’re terrible and gon for a good reason… But.

    I miss old school lights. I remember as a kid, around town in the winter. Pitch black at 6pm. -20f, absolutely still air. All you can hear is the hum of the sodium lights. Just the warmest red/orange light.

    I’m probably just an old man reminiscing, but the world won’t produce temperatures, light, or silence like that anymore. Now it’s just the harshest led lights, a million beeps, and half heard music on shit ass speakers.