• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • When they worked, it was from dawn to dusk doing hard labour.

    Read Witold Rybczynksi’s Home when he talks about medieval life, pages 24 - 36 in my copy.

    And if the harvest wasn’t good, they died because the Lord took his tithe regardless.

    That’s how feudalism worked.

    And that’s not to mention the household labour, all of which we take for granted (consider chopping wood every time you wanted heat, mending clothes or the ridiculous process of cleaning them.)

    These are pretty self evident. Unless you think they had chainsaws and washing machines in the dark ages?

    The only stuff that’s counted in that 150 days silliness is working the land which was only a portion of their real labour.

    This is linked in the source I already provided, you can look at the original study: https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/rauch/worktime/hours_workweek.html

  • Here were my claims:

    When they worked, it was from dawn to dusk doing hard labour. And if the harvest wasn’t good, they died because the Lord took his tithe regardless.

    And that’s not to mention the household labour, all of which we take for granted (consider chopping wood every time you wanted heat, mending clothes or the ridiculous process of cleaning them.) Or looking after farm animals etc. The only stuff that’s counted in that 150 days silliness is working the land which was only a portion of their real labour.

    With which of these claims do you disagree?

  • Is this just your way of saying “I refuse to read the article” ?

    They simply point out that the 150 days nonsense comes from a study that ignores large swathes of labour. You are welcome to look at the original study, which they link.

    It’s pretty basic stuff. Yet again, with what specific part do you disagree? I’m not wild about searching through academia for a probable source troll

    When you refuse to engage with the material in a meaningful sense, not just “I dislike the source and that’s enough for me!” It doesn’t really inspire any hope this will be a productive conversation.

  • I really appreciate that response and I think it’s a good example of what I love about Lemmy.

    In my head, the thread was about OP’s addition to the image, which was “whoever invented the 8 hour 5 day work week is Satan.” Where, ehhh, 8 hour work day feels like an improvement on most of history.

    Original image, I more agree with you. I think we do have technological surplus that could be better allocated towards labour/leisure/all our modern conveniences. But, I am keenly aware it is capitalism/civilization/whatever that got us here.

  • That’s mostly a silly meme that’s been seized upon.

    When they worked, it was from dawn to dusk doing hard labour. And if the harvest wasn’t good, they died because the Lord took his tithe regardless.

    And that’s not to mention the household labour, all of which we take for granted (consider chopping wood every time you wanted heat, mending clothes or the ridiculous process of cleaning them.) Or looking after farm animals etc. The only stuff that’s counted in that 150 days silliness is working the land which was only a portion of their real labour.