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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 18th, 2023

  • It says nothing about spyware, the article isn’t hyped up at all, and describes a token to track installations vs downloads.

    "This data will allow us to correlate telemetry IDs with download tokens and Google Analytics IDs. This will allow us to track which installs result from which downloads to determine the answers to questions like, “Why do we see so many installs per day, but not that many downloads per day?”

    Also there is an opt-out during installation.

    I don’t even use Firefox, and I honestly am not attacking but your comment seemed very hyperbolic and with little detail.

    You’re right that it’s good to be aware of this stuff, I also don’t see this being a road block for the average user.

  • Temu is different because they allow a seller to say I’ll make plastic dog shit toys by November 1. So it goes on sale in September and 100, 000 people order it. Now the company makes a single batch and knows exactly how many to make and what materials to buy. It’s smart. That’s why they want your friends involved because it lowers the price more to make more at once.

    I’m not defending the company but it is a smart way and less costly and wasteful than making 100, 000 dog shit toys and selling 10, throwing the other 999,990 in the local river and writing it off on taxes.

  • I’m a fan, just finished it and I’ve only played New Vegas and FO4.

    I honestly just want to watch a good show with an engaging story and themed in a way that matches. Does it fit every bit of lore every created since 1997? I have no fucking idea because I don’t study it like a college course. It’s fine for those who do but I believe the majority are not trying to find faults in every sentence the actors speak.

    I liked it, entertaining, exciting, good character motivation, I can’t think of any stupid decisions only to move the plot forward, set design is fantastic, world build is fun. Overall I recommend it.

  • I want to like mastodon but I don’t want to do the leg work of finding accounts. I like the algorithm to some extent, I want help to find things.

    I also have trouble deciding how to support the post. Liking doesn’t do anything and tooting or whatever puts it on my page. I don’t feel part of the community boosting topics I like.

    I like voting things up and down.

    Maybe I’m doing it wrong but I try and get instantly bored because I have to hunt for everything. I really tried.