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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Not sure if I am reading it correctly. But what ip adress is your given to your pc?

    It reads to me like you have router 1 and 2 on router 1’s network but your pc is on router 2’s “internal” network… which must not be in the same 192.168.1.x range as is router 1’s network.

    Put router 1 under 192.168.2.x range Then Then Router 2 with 192.168.1.x adressing should work still, and the pc should be able to talk to the router-1 network.

  • Yes this sounds like a very convoluted way to go about things, but I am not sure if it was the actual verdict that is so badly constructed that it demands this or that Google gives itself and everyone else a lot of unnecessary pain.

    Samsung also does auto updates etc and co-exists with the play store on samsung phones (granted, it lives within their android skin), even updates some Google play store (installed) apps, so I am not sure what or where the issue is/lies.

    But now Google wants app stores within app stores within app stores as a solution?

  • The thing is, Disney is every time the one that starts the flames, years in advance, probably as a vector for what they know will be a disastrous product…

    Taking the Acolyte as an example: They had the Cast make derogatory remarks about the fans and Star Wars in general (“Star Wars does not have strong women” conveniently forgot about Leia?) full years before any part of the Acolyte was finished. … why??

    They even had cast members who clearly did not know anything about Star Wars (“Anakin blew up the Death Star”) proclaim their “wisdom” as stated fact. (“Star Wars has no good and evil”)

    Why are fans not allowed to be angry?

    Fans don’t care about diverse lesbian witch covens, they shrug it off, SW is filled with all kinds of aliens, it’s Disney that keeps pointing it out, look! Look! Look upon our glorious lesbian witches, they are what Star Wars is now!

    What we do care about is atrocious writing, writing so bad it looks like an 11 year old’s fanfic, writing stuff that does not fit in the SW universe… but we need to swallow the stinking mess and smile because it is written by a lgbtq person who claims to know better than George Lucas…

    $180M worth of wasted potential that may not be criticized or you’ll be declared a toxic fan.

    “The force is female”, strange, no one declared it to be male, it never had a gender, why suddenly this gendered labeling? Quite weird that protesting against such sexist remarks is considered toxic…

    Another small example, one of the high republic books from a few years ago had, in all seriousness, a chunk of inanimate rock as a “jedi navigator/pilot”. And fans are not allowed to be angry about that?

    Concluding, it’s not the fans who are toxic, the toxicity originated each time from within Disney’s Lucasfilm.

  • Years ago I happily used some Razer mice and keyboards, even a headset, so in the not too far past I told people around me that Razer was fairly good, quality wise, but alas, I think each and every one I recommended Razer products to had them break and or die well within warranty, and they always had to start a stupid discussion to get the warranty/RMA accepted, a few times even replacements denied outright by Razer.

    For me this stands in sharp contrast with Logitech whom has never denied me a warranty, even for products a few weeks beyond the date, and they generally just send out a new item. That is, for me it is rare for a Logitech product to actually require replacement to begin with, I have a few mice, keyboards and headsets far older than 5 years and they work fine plus are still supported in the drivers.

    Speaking of drivers, Razer at one point also made the decision to have their drivers require an account login to function properly (multi-button mice would only have 2 functional buttons if not logged in etc). But after some flak from its users it slightly changed that to the login being optional, but profiles would still be hampered without a continuous online presence.

    Coming back to Asus, for a few years now I hear of people having quality issues and grumpy asus service desks, but for me their videocards ways ran fine (even without coil whine, unlike some MSI cards). I am quite hesitant to buy an Asus monitor or motherboard though.

  • The thing is though it is not only now that the US was perceived as weak, it started during Trump’s time in power. The way Trump plainly kissed Putins feet in deep adoration, and utterly discredited his own forces any way he could, set the tone for the 12 years to follow… Trump being the loser he is only knows to blame others and the way he puts Biden in the spotlight as inept is not doing the US’ reputation any good.

    Back then the international “politicians” could see that not only Trump’s 4 years were weak, but Bidens term and the next 4 years after that will be of the same mess with either the republicans destroying Democracy or throwing tantrums and blocking all legislation, regardless who wins the US finds itself in a gridlock of indecisiveness and infighting. (And it’s quite clear it’s all orchestrated by Putin himself … time and time again there’s evidence of strong Russian influence in the US politics and the republicans brush it aside and block investigations with a sheepish smile)

    That makes it 12(!!) full years of the US rapidly losing status and power on the world stage.

    All in all, Putin knew the US was so predictably incompetent that he could calculate to have 6 years at minimum to wreack as much havoc in Ukraine as he wishes… and we’re only in year 2 of his meat grinder.