• 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • DessertStorms@kbin.socialtoUK Politics@feddit.ukSome of you may die
    4 months ago

    Lol, literally all of it.

    If anything, I can’t think of a single example of them opposing anything the tories have done in any substantial way, they don’t stand for the working class or the services we depend on, they don’t stand for marginalised people (not stepped up to protect disabled people, trans people, immigrants against the cuts and abuse we face, think BLM was a joke, just off the top of my head, I’m not doing your research for you), they’re neoliberal cons pulling the wool over the public’s eyes pretending to be an “alternative” when they literally serve the same people, and it isn’t you or me.

    Maybe try actually taking your head out of the sand of privilege protecting you from seeing the reality, and paying attention instead of buying in to and pinning your hopes on this charade, because Labour ain’t fixing shit for you.


  • We don’t all have the privilege of even the pretence of “choice”, and have tory or red tory to “choose” from, and I refuse to give my vote to either.

    I also think that voting none looks far more serious at this point than voting for a small party that is only standing in a handful of constituencies if that, and who are mostly perceived as a bit of a joke (and should be, because they will never be allowed any power by the existing institution, and will never change that by playing within its rules).

    The media will twist anything and everything against the left, no matter what we do, it’s literally what it exist for - to uphold the status quo. Using that to discourage people from voicing their refusal to participate in this bogus system serves the same purpose.

  • Great, the next round of distraction theatre is here sooner than expected, and no one is even questioning what this is serving as cover for… 🎉🙄

    Either way, it achieves its goal - get/keep the public riled up in its division and focused entirely on the next round of blue v red, while those who control both (and who exist outside of the party system, and therefore completely outside of voter control, by design of course) continue to relentlessly fuck us over.

    Labour have been declaring loud and clear who they are and what they stand for (lmfao, as if spineless Starmer can even “stand” for anything), anyone who still believes they offer an alternative at this point is as gullible as a tory voter.

    I will continue to vote none as long as I am forced to pick between one evil and another, there is no “lesser” when they both play for the same team (and it isn’t team working class).

    You have a choice, to see this for what it is and not participate in their divisive charade. Be brave enough to see solutions outside of the narrow system those in power have created for you to feel like you are participating in the decision making (like the pretend wheel you might give a toddler to play with in their car seat so they feel like they’re driving), and instead start making decision for yourself, that will actually impact your life and the lives of those around you - start consciously unlearning the lies you’ve been indoctrinated with all your life (like that parliament has or ever will serve the people and not for those who own the land and hoard the money), spread this information to others, and start organising alternatives to the bullshit we’re expected to keep putting up with (namely the continued extraction of resources from the people upwards, or “reverse trickle down” which is how the system was designed to work, and the aforementioned division of the people in to blue v red instead of haves v have-nots. E: and that isn’t just a money thing, it’s a privilege thing, too) because it’s the easiest way to keep us from revolting.

    Fucking revolt.

  • I never said or even implied we have no agency, but I’m also not deluded enough to think we have free choice under capitalism. We are not only literally indoctrinated from birth and essentially brainwashed our entire lives from that point in to consumerism and “keeping up with the Joneses”, but we are also entirely dependant on participation in the system for survival because it is designed that way. You wanting to think you’re somehow above it (even if you have learned to identify some of the propaganda and try to avoid it, which is simply impossible to do), or wanting to blame those who aren’t “above it” for the system instead of those actively implementing and profiting directly from it, doesn’t change that.

    Freedom, and specifically freedom of choice, is capitalism’s biggest con.

  • The point is that the “desire” is entirely artificial and enforced on us as society by those who profit from doing so (and their trillion dollar industries dedicated to this task), not that some people are struggling, because all of us but a tiny miniscule percent of humanity, are struggling (including the non-existent “middle class”, another lie there to maintain division in the working class, and the illusion of “aspiration”), we’re just made to believe it’s normal and part of human nature, when it is anything but.

    Whatever “truth” Buddhism has is honestly irrelevant, especially because it predates Adam Smith and the levels of unprecedented social engineering and indoctrination we’re subjected to in the name of capitalism by so long, its idea of “desire” is completely detached from yours, but even if it wasn’t, all that “truth” is is victim blaming, and shifting responsibility for systemic issues on to individuals, which is a classic tactic employed by those in charge (be it kings, feudal lords, “gods” prophets and whatever other religious figurehead, or capitalists) because it serves them and only them, for us to be pointing fingers at one another (while ignoring literally all of the environmental factors they impose on us) instead of at them.

  • But most people don’t directly benefit from, and are directly involved in, the systems that encourage such behaviour, like the ones at the top are.
    Most people are just grinding away selling their labour to survive while convinced by the wealthy-owned media and trillion dollar marketing industrial complex that they’re just temporarily embarrassed millionaires who just need to consume more to make their lives better.
    *Insert “we are not the same” meme here*

  • But the AI isn’t “recalling” in the same way you do, it doesn’t “remember” what it “read”, it “reads” on demand and has instant access to essentially all of the information available online it was trained on (E: though it’s becoming more or less the same thing, and is definitely the same when it comes to law books for example), from which it collects the necessary details if and when it needs it.

    So yes, it is literally “sat” there with all the books open in front of it, and the ability to pinpoint a bit of information in any one of all the books in milliseconds.