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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • It does happen, though I’m glad to learn it doesn’t happen in your circles. As a former receptionist who could hear in the conference room of my office though the people inside didn’t realize, the men absolutely did say much worse things when no women were in the room.

    I went to a liberal arts college full of progressive and Democrats who openly disparaged conservatives. I witnessed often reprehensible behavior.

    One time my husband called out a misogynistic comment in a friend group chat. He found out a year later calling out that behavior once is why he was never added to the males only chat. They didn’t want to have to “watch what they say” around him. Men definitely do speak differently in situations where women are not present. Not all men, but plenty.

  • I never said I think this should be a men fix it problem, I just think both sexes should be working on noticing it, calling out behavior, and fixing it. I’m my experience, women are constantly vigilant, and men are inconsistently vigilant, and much much more likely to give other men the benefit of the doubt regardless of what women say.

    I’m not asking anyone to read my mind. If you think men don’t talk about their minor sexual assaults because men don’t talk period, I guess you just have a very quiet friend group. I have absolutely heard men talk about this stuff at multiple work places, not even to necessarily brag, just because they don’t Even realize what they’re doing is wrong. The number of stories I heard at college alone is gross and frightening.

    I’d like men to call out other men/ their friends, because women fear physical retaliation for calling out this behavior: any man exhibiting this behavior has already proven they don’t believe women should be treated with respect, care, or boundaries. If men call out their friends, likely the consequence is a strained relationship.

  • I agree that women shouldn’t have to be hyper alert, but with our culture the way it is, we have to be to keep ourselves safe.

    How about instead of saying I should have spoken up about a man groping me, you say, “he shouldn’t have groped you.” There’s no reason my friend’s old married father should have thought I would be comfortable with his hands on me in a bathing suit area.

    I’m saying men with opinions like yours put the entire onus of safety solely on women’s shoulders forcing us to live that toxic paranoid way, as you put it. If you guys would start doing your part to police one another, women wouldn’t have to be so scared all the time.

    What makes you think me speaking up would have stopped that man? He clearly had no respect for my personal space, my autonomy, or my comfort. He has already proven he is willing to break social rules and norms. The safest thing for me to do was get away, because confronting a person who does not respect or care about you, who is not bound by the social contract will more likely lead to them hurting you.

  • Part of the problem is that men are simply not on alert for bad behavior. They have the luxury of being unaware. When my friend’s dad groped me at a party, I was in a conversation circle with him and 3 of my male friends. None of them noticed him doing it, none of them noticed me going stiff and pale. None of them questioned why I suddenly felt sick and immediately called an Uber to leave.

    The dad felt totally comfortable to do that literally less than 2 feet from three other men because you guys aren’t looking out for it in a way that women are. Alternatively, I’ve had stranger women come up to me in public to ask me if I’m uncomfortable because a guy at a gas station is talking to me while I pump my gas. We’re looking out for each other.

    “We all a society” have absolutely not pushed out bad actors. If anything, women have closed ranks, but in my experience the men have not, without explicit instruction, called out bad behavior.

  • I’m guessing you’ve never been on TikTok. It’s a pretty good news source and information disseminator. Your algorithm feeds you what you pick so if you linger on posts from physical therapists and psychologists about child development, that’s what you learn about. If you linger on political posts highlighting our local and federal government’s corruption, you get that.

    I’m all for banning it (and all social media) for children, but if you think TikTok is all trash TV, you’ve been successfully propagandized.

  • Stress can exacerbate almost every medical condition. The boat doesn’t perform normally when it’s under stress. It can affect pregnancy like crazy which affects every single person in the world. Every single person comes from a pregnancy. Stress can affect sleep which also negatively affects like every condition.