I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • This is one of those things where even though the truth is important, the fact that people thought this is what was happening is a sign of a poor relationship. It’s like if a person thinks their partner cheated when they went to Las Vegas. Even if the partner did not cheat, the person believing that it was not only possible but likely is a sign that the relationship is toxic. The implication is that the partner is not in the relationship voluntarily or for the mutual benefit of both. Rather, the relationship has become antagonized and transactional. The partners are not helping each other grow. They are in a relationship in which taking advantage of the other is expected because it has happened multiple times already.

  • No, but I would love to read up on that. lol , brb gonna do an internet search

    Edit: I couldn’t find anything on them crashing during their convoys, but I found a couple that lived out of an RV they decked out in Trump stuff and would sell things out of as their business. The same exact RV was involve into incidents; you can’t make this up! In the first one, they stopped in the right lane of a highway early in the morning. Another woman stopped to help them. Their trailer was hit by yet another motorist and killed the woman that stopped to help. In the second incident, which happened recently, they totaled the RV by crashing it into a pole. I hope they stay off of the road because they seem like a hazard (either oblivious or neglectful at the least) and one person already lost their life.

  • This is me. I’ve never said, “This is too much garlic.”

    Fun fact: I tend to get obsessed with eating the same thing for months. One of those obsessions was kettle-cooked salt & vinegar chips. I’m talking about a large bag before bed every 2 days. I did this for about 3-6 months. During that period, I had a regular primary care check up with routine blood work. My cholesterol came back terrible. My HDL was too low and LDL was too high. It was so bad that the doctor told me that they were putting me on Lipitor eventho I was in 37/38 years old and otherwise athletic shape.

    I argued with the doc explaining that I could fix it on my own with diet. We negotiated and the compromise was that I had 3 months to fix it. In 3 months, we would run blood work again. If it was still high, Lipitor time. I cut off all chips and started eating raw garlic however I could with meals. I would mostly use a garlic press and marinate it in olive oil. Then, I would drip a lot of this on rice, beans, pasta, pizza… anything that would go good with raw garlic. When we ran the blood work again, I was in the clear with completely healthy cholesterol levels, both HDL and LDL.

    I don’t know if the garlic had anything to do with it, or if it was merely just abstaining from the chips, but something worked. If you’re dealing with cholesterol issues and don’t want to be on meds, maybe consider eating raw garlic. It might help, and even if it doesn’t, it’s delicious 🤤