
I’m starting this community because I want it to exist. I think it could be really awesome and I’m looking forward to being a part of it!

I’m not a technical authority on Lemmy or Rust, at all. You should see me as a “learner” here as much as anyone else. I see my role here as a “community manager”, not a leader or anything like that.

And in that spirit, I don’t see myself as “owning” this community in any way. Meta discussions on the community and me as a moderator are welcome and encouraged, provided, of course, that they’re constructive and respectful. I’ve not moderated a sub-lemmy or sub-reddit before (only small chat groups), so in reality, I’m not a “good” moderator and will simply be doing my best. It’s inevitable that I’ll do something stupid, careless or misguided and I’m happy to hear feedback.

If you also want to become a moderator, let me know. If you think I should work on something as a moderator, let me know. If you think it’d be better if I stood down as moderator, let me know. This community isn’t mine, it’s ours. Any help and guidance is most welcome! The only thing I’d ask, apart from respectfulness, is to appreciate that an inundation of feedback can be a bit much and I’m a finite person with finite time burdened with an emotional brain.