Pretty much title, and looking for game recommendations. I’m hoping I can play Apex Legends and The Finals reasonably well on it. I’m out of cell service frequently so I’m looking for interesting games I can download. I’m mostly a FPS player but do third person for World of Warships on console.

    6 months ago

    Some things people haven’t mentioned:

    • Get a screen protector at minimum. It will help protect against scratches and might save it from a drop.
    • Get in the habit of zipping your case up when the Deck is inside. If you grab the handle while it’s unzipped, your deck is going to discover why it’s not the fall that kills you but the sudden stop at the end.
    • If you know you’re unlikely to remember that, get/print yourself a Steam Deck Lifesaver.
    • Download the free game Aperture Desk Job. It is a great, fun way to get used to the Deck’s controls.
    • Go into Desktop Mode, go to the Discover store, and download Proton-Up. Get the latest GE Proton from its interface. Steam’s default version is usually fine, but the GE version can sometimes fix compatibility bugs for non-verified games.
    • To maximize battery, you may need to adjust settings, either in game or via the three-dot-button on your deck.
    • (Optional) Get some silicone thumbstick covers. Oils from your fingers will wear out the sticks’ rubber eventually.