An Iranian teenager was sexually assaulted and killed by three men working for Iran’s security forces, a leaked document understood to have been written by those forces says.

It has let us map what happened to 16-year-old Nika Shakarami who vanished from an anti-regime protest in 2022.

Her body was found nine days later. The government claimed she killed herself.

We put the report’s allegations to Iran’s government and its Revolutionary Guards. They did not respond.

Marked “Highly Confidential”, the report summarises a hearing on Nika’s case held by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) - the security force that defends the country’s Islamic establishment. It includes what it says are the names of her killers and the senior commanders who tried to hide the truth.

    5 months ago

    Violent crimes yes I would agree. It is mostly men around the world who are committing them. If all men decided to not commit violent acts all at once, including refusing to join the army or participate in war, the world would be a better place instantly. Maybe that is where things will go as we start to alter our DNA as unfortunately evolution is way too slow and many of us are still behaving like wee are tribes in the jungle.

    In terms of enabling, there is some phycology here. Not saying all violent crimes committed by men were solely enabled by women but there is a weird dynamic going on. Here is one example but there are many many studies on this matter and the overall trend is violence is attractive for some. Hence the enabling.

    I would caution broad stroke statements though aimed at men as the majority of men are not violent. It is a small percentage who cause most of the violence. When we look at their brains, we have noticed patterns in their formation and chemistry. Some of these exist in women to a much lesser degree as I recall reading in papers in the past. Perhaps it is these people we need to focus on helping as they are causing a lot of suffering for themselves and others.