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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • I imagine data security and what the government would know is putting some off. It is part of the reason the national ID (My Number) faltered.

    Off the top of my head, and I’m sure there are more, people use: tinder, bumble, Pairs, Zwei, Zekushi, and probably more. Pairs and Zwei, at least, are geared toward long-term and marriage. Pairs had a very bad UX and, of course, a cost. I did meet some people on there, but nothing lasted (one nearly did, but I wasn’t doing another LTR with a barely-functional alcoholic that otherwise was a great match).

  • In principal, I 100% agree. We do have food banks here, especially as the yen has dropped against the dollar making imports more expensive (and tons of things here are hit with that even secondarily as fuel and such is largely an import), inflation, and the economic shake-up during and after corona.

    The issue specific with ehonmaki/sushi is the raw fish component and the way they’re held during the day (not in closed coolers for the most part, but the open type which can be much more variable in temperature). I don’t think they should give away potentially dangerous food. The other stuff, yeah, 100%

  • Two to three meals a day, almost no snacks, generally a decent amount of fiber. Mom’s basically the same and I think grandmother was. Mom has been diagnosed with various forms of IBS. Dad has Celiac’s and a DNA test I took said increased risk.

    If I go keto, almost all the issues disappear. Trying to do that is basically impossible whilst living with my wife because I can’t just not make food and not keep anything I shouldn’t eat in the house (my willpower eventually crumbles when I’m busy or stressed).