Mmmm! Sttcell Beahai! My fav.
Mmmm! Sttcell Beahai! My fav.
Espresso pressed so hard it’s squeezed out of the third dimension?
The way I see it, that is basically the same as a twist and tuck.
You put the bread in a bottle and you can just put the cap on it to keep it fresh. You can just pour it into your toaster after that!
That’s why we have Roseanne. (A perfectly decent replacement, IMHO.)
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
18 U.S.C. § 242: Makes it a crime to willfully deprive someone of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States
Ok, that is a ton of reading. However, the point of this is to actually define what freedom of speech actually is.
You are free to tell your employer to fuck off and pound sand, but you will get fired. That is a consequence of words. The government won’t step in if you weren’t threatening anyone. You and your employer have specific rights in that regard.
In the US, you can go on the news and call anyone in the government stupid and they can’t do their jobs or that one party is incompetent. You might lose or gain friends from that, which is still a consequence.
Also in the US, if you directly threaten a person with physical harm and if intent of action can be shown, you are going to be arrested. Your words have now become an infringement on the rights of someone else.
I am just clarifying things, s’all.
Having a mouth and being able to speak words is a thing. You are “free to say words” and nobody can legally sew your mouth shut and make you incapable of talking.
When those words become a threat, someone else must now have their rights protected. This is mostly where the limitations on “Freedom of Speech” come from.
I am pulling this conversation back a hair to define what we are talking about as it’s easy to mix terms on social media.
Ok. Let’s break this down: Your definition and interpretation of free speech is irrelevant. You can interpret anything however you want whenever you want and that is fine. Your arguments may not hold up in court and you cannot force that definition on others because you believe you are enlightened.
As broken as our legal system is, it is all we have for now. As such, you need to understand that the only definition of free speech that matters is the one that has been interpreted by a court of law.
Here ya go:
You can keep babbling on like a SovCit if you want, but you need to understand our legal system and how rights work, especially for minors.
What we are saying is that you can say anything you want but there should be reasonable limits.
Freedom of speech covers most opinions and ideas except when words present a direct threat to others.
China can and does censor things on a broad scale and as an example, calling the government or dictator stupid would probably get you tossed in jail. That is not freedom of speech.
Minors have limited rights anyway, but mostly in the voting side of things. An adult is defined as someone who has reached the “age of majority”. After that, they are free to make adult decisions and be fully accountable for their actions.
Schools are basically forced to accept responsibility for kids for a number of hours per day. As such, schools must create a safe environment for all students and maintain some kind of order and ensure the rights of other kids aren’t infringed.
Me exercising my rights can never infringe on the rights of others. Many people don’t understand that.
Anyone can say anything they want at any time. What people forget is that words may come with consequences.
Schools must have rules for a number of reasons, mainly because they are full of kids. Dress codes for schools apply across all students and must not discriminate. So, if a school has a rule that any words can’t be on shirts, no child can have words on their shirt.
Here is a breakdown for you:
What you are talking about has been in the courts a number of times.
Just call it X-Twitter. It ain’t twitter any more, and “X” is just dumb as fuck.
Oh. When I said “the west” I was squarely pointing the finger at France. China is playing the longer game there because Russia has stationed Wagner down there already. It benefits both Russia and China if the population is focused on removing French influence. China gets a long term investment hedge against France and Russia gets more cheap mercs for Ukraine.
Now, I don’t really want to spend much time doing a full research project on what is basically a game of thrones’ish style side bet. It’s insanely complicated, I would imagine. After a few African countries went full-on coup d’état a few months ago, I realized there was much more going on.
Edit: I wasn’t downvoting you. I suspect that some people might be trying to launch some instability of their own. Lulz.
Chad has some decent gold fields. They aren’t the biggest the world, but they are substantial enough to draw attention. The cheap labor and zero environmental regulation is a value multiplyer as well.
When you add a little flavor the to pot by destabilizing the country and giving the west a bit of a headache, it’s now even more attractive.
The politicians are fine. China probably just bribes them in foreign currency and they sign the deal without even blinking at the interest rates. (Chad has a corruption index of 20 out of 100 with Senegal just a little better at 43.)
I remember they finally were able to make a ball point pen all by themselves in 2017.
When I actually start seeing products that aren’t contaminated with fake ICs or are actually grounded properly without hyper-strict foreign supervision, I’ll change my tune. Until then, there isn’t an article in the world that will convince me that China is actually innovating or taking steps to make quality products.
What the hell are you popping off about? All you need to do is go to Amazon or Ali Express to see the absolute plethora of Chinese product clones. Just search for a 3D printers, as a good example.
Yeah, I guess I am a bit prejudice against the bulk Chinese electronic garbage that is usually an extreme fire hazard. Maybe it’s all the fake or counterfeit chips I have had to replace that has pissed me off.
Look bub. I don’t give a flying fuck about China or the politics involved. Their manufacturing sucks ass and their actual their innovation is rare. If they copied products correctly, I would have a bit more respect for their business model.
If you want to go all-out tankie on people, maybe you should go back to your own instance.
That’s great and all, but you missed the theme of this thread.
China has been the king of bulk products for years. Saying that recent investments will alter world politics in 25 years is a bit strange. Saturating markets is what China does best.
There is a bit more history behind TSMC. You left out the bits where they partnered with other companies, like Philips, that gave them access to proprietary information. They continued building relationships with other large companies and investing back into their own business.
China isn’t doing that. China has had access to older fab equipment for years but still fails to truly innovate. If US companies could trust China enough not to steal modern tech, there could be some real benefits to having fabs in China. The world kinda figured out never to send proprietary information to China years ago. Companies still do and doesn’t take long for a thousand clones to pop up on Ali Express shortly after.
Trains are one thing, modern chip fab is a completely different. Buying older equipment is not going to get them anywhere but into the production of chips that have been on the market for 10 years already.
This is one industry where each generation has hard limits for manufacturing.
Oh, what would we do without Lumerical Multiphysics? (The solution for all of your photonic component needs.)