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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2024


  • I don’t know the person in the OP, but I am assuming she is not talking about a pack of bagels you buy from the grocer. I imagine she is talking about the grocer selling packaged bagels in the aisle and having a baked goods section with bagels from a bakery in the same city. And also have one or two bagel places local. And also cafes or similar establishments that rep their bagel game.

    I do not know Germany 's bagel game. Just saying being able to buy a thing at the grocer does not mean you have access to the jawn the way others do. For example I can buy sushi at the grocery store near my work.

  • I’m glad because I like how it looks and feels. Also, while I understand they are the exception not the rule, I have read about some men’s experience with them (the father of the 7 yr old in this comment thread for example) that make them sound either unconvienent or sometimes unpleasant. Never read anything similar from someone who’s been cut.

    And this question isn’t poised at you, but do the people who rail against it think Jewish people should stop the practice as well?

  • I realize that having it done as a newborn I’ll never really know, but mutilated? As an adult iv seen and played with those flesh danglers. Listen we are all humans and beautiful, but fucking hell I’m happy with mine. They are like one of those weird deep sea critters you see on nat geo or sciencememes.

    True, if I ever have a baby I’ll make the argument to the mom we SHOULD give the kid the choice… but I know that as a poor adult I would never do it now. But am happy it’s been done.

    I hate to sound like a “Liberal” talking about Palestine, but this may be a somewhat nuanced situation.