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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • The people you described aren’t the ones being harassed

    I think it’s very hypocritical of you to assume that and then call me out for assuming something similar. And then you call this harassment? I made an assumption based on an assumption you felt free to make. But when I make a similar assumption, that’s harassment?

    If you are so confident in vegans harrassing almost-vegans who try to live without animal products, please name a single instance.

    I’ve personally experienced it, both in real life and on social platforms, including lemmy. I just make it a point to try and avoid interactions like that these days. I don’t go into vegan communities despite being really enthusiastic about stuff like meat substitutes because around 50% of my interactions have been terrible. And 50% is a terrible number btw. The false equivalences, the assumptions and other issues even in this post’s comments section is kind of alarming. But yeah… Play a victim if that’s what suits you i guess.

    I like the concept of veganism, but your community isn’t the best to outsiders. One day that too will change hopefully.

  • I installed Windows on a device yesterday. I had to switch to the command prompt and type in “OOBE\BYPASSNRO” in order to just not connect it to the internet and skip the Microsoft sign in prompt. And that seems to work for the most part. Sending diagnostic data is still required and not optional but ah well.

    A few days ago on another friend’s setup, he didn’t know that this option existed (who does really), so he signed up for a Microsoft account, logged in and his Documents and other folders were automatically getting synced to OneDrive. Now, for you and me, we understand that just uninstalling OneDrive should fix that or even just disable that feature itself. But this is opt-out and not opt-in. And he doesn’t really understand it’s getting synced, he simply sees that there’s oddly increased data usage. This is the kind of person who will have recall enabled without ever realising it exists or even using it, but will still have it as a potential security issue waiting to happen on his setup.

    It’s all the opt-ins that Microsoft does. Everything defaults to “yes, do that worst thing possible”. And you and me will probably switch it off, but we’re not the average person. The average person doesn’t understand or care.

  • Look man, irrespective of who i originally intended to reply to, you responded to me by saying I was simply blaming the user. Which clearly wasn’t the case. If you think his initial anecdote at all is realistic, then you haven’t really used any well established distro in a while. Accessing an SMB share especially is very very straightforward right now if nothing else.

    Void is a distro that doesn’t use systemd. That alone would put it out of the contest, let alone being the top-rated distro… It’s fine to not understand why that is, but again, you could have just asked on any community. Again man, stop complicating stuff for yourself… And I never said you’re incompetent, you’re probably really good at this stuff, I feel like you just haven’t taken the time to read through and understand. And again, even that would be fine, just don’t blame Linux in its entirety. Linux is too broad to be blamed in its entirety.

    If you go by hype alone, NixOS is probably the most popular distro right now, doesn’t mean I’m going to recommend it to you.

    Use an actually well-established distribution like Fedora, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, Ubuntu or Linux mint. Use Plasma if you can. Use Flatpaks for packages where possible and use the native repository otherwise. It’s pretty much that easy these days. I even use the Steam flatpak for gaming nowadays. Grass is pretty green over here now, and I’m saying that as someone who does still use Windows. I use Windows both at work and for certain games. So it’s not like I’m out of touch either.

    Sorry if that post felt rage fueled by the way, didn’t mean it that way and wasn’t in rage either. I’m just bad with conveying stuff, especially with English not being my first language :)

  • Plasma 6.1 will release soon with some further improvements. But Plasma 6 with Wayland basically solved all my issues already. My setup is fractional scaling with “Apply scaling themselves” for Legacy Applications (X11) and Adaptive sync set to Automatic. Works better than my Windows setup so far

  • I said your friend is an idiot, not you. And even in his case, i only really blamed him for literally intentionally messing shit up. Should I remind you that you’re the one who said that story? Congrats on winning your argument against a strawman i guess?

    The second paragraph of your answer just tells me you have never had an idea of what you’re doing. And that would be totally fine if you didn’t blame it on Linux as a whole, btw. But you do just that.

    Why would you use everything except the most obvious distro choices? Manjaro is literally famous for terrible practices, always has been. 5 minutes of research would tell you that much. You try nobara but not vanilla fedora?? You try pop_os but not Linux Mint? You try Void for some reason?? Fkin Void? You’re clearly not really ready to tinker and you want stuff to just work, so just go with something obviously and famously stable and out of the box like Linux Mint. It’s really that simple… You complicate shit for yourself and then complain about how you’ve had terrible experiences. Ofc you’ve had them because you never really bothered to try and keep it simple for yourself.

    I always choose the practical solution over anything else. And there are real problems in Linux right now, like fractional scaling on GNOME, VR, HDR being hit or miss, anticheat not working, etc. So i don’t force anybody onto Linux. But pretending we’re still in 1995 is just malicious coming from you.

    If you’re just lost about shit, people in the Linux community are generally ready to help. Hell, if you describe your use cases well, literally everybody would help you as much as they can. But coming on here and using a wild (and probably fake) story to flame something for no real reason and then expecting a positive response is kind of weird, don’t you think?

    Edit: sorry, wrong user i guess. You all haters kind of blend in and look the same lol.