don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2023


  • The weird thing is that it’s super commonplace over here, so lots of people do enjoy it. There are a lot of different kinds of potato salad and I’m betting the mega-Karen in the OP is referring to the kind that is pretty much just potatoes in mayo (which, for the record, is disgusting).

    Maybe I’m lucky because I live near Pennsylvania Dutch country, but there’s an abundance of good potato salad here.

  • I was on oxycodone after surgery for 5 days, and I took senna (a stool softener) just like my surgeon told me to. Oh my god the constipation was insane. Like, I had to poop and just nothing would come out. I could not move my bowels. I ended up taking Miralax twice a day for 4 days and that solved the problem…a little too well. It went from completely stopped up to faucet anus with no stop in between.

    Do not fucking recommend.

  • I’m Gen X. Online dating didn’t really exist when I started dating my husband in 2000. I mean you could find local people via AOL Chat and maybe there were early versions of things like, but for the most part you met people in meatspace. There wasn’t social media the way we know it now so you couldn’t do much online stalking.

    The online component seems like it introduces a bunch of angst into dating. Due to gender imbalances on dating apps, it seems to become a numbers game for some. And from what I understand, a lot of the female profiles are bots. It also seems like it’s common to check out a potential date’s Instagram or other social media accounts, so rather than organically meeting a person, you’re evaluating a profile, which probably doesn’t give an accurate idea of who the person is. And it seems like young people live their lives increasingly online, so chance encounters in meatspace are rarer, plus it seems there’s some reticence to chat up a stranger to see if it goes somewhere.

    It looks like a massive headache.