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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • eldavi@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlDebate this!
    3 days ago

    I get what you are saying, but we allready have a prison system focusing on rehabilitation, and it doesn’t phase the gangs.

    you’ll never stop the gangs; but you can make it more difficult to operate if it becomes getting harder to find new gang members and less cost effective to retain the ones trapped in their sphere.

    By increasing the length of prison sentences, we atleast keep them contained for longer.

    that’s what i meant by viable alternatives to their situation; no matter how long you contain them they eventually have to return to their situation and all at great cost.

    If you have any other suggestion, please go ahead and tell me.

    aggressive outreach is a more effective tactic at combating gangs

  • eldavi@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlDebate this!
    3 days ago

    he also has a front seat view to this country’s rightward shift and i wonder how frustrating it is to be so close to the levers of power to stop it; but to be blocked both your adversaries and your allies each time you try to reach for them.

  • eldavi@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlDebate this!
    3 days ago

    In my mind we need heavier punnishment, we need containment punnishments, way longer punnishments for those who are not interested in rehab which our justice system focuses on, after two times caught they need to get an automatic 10x the time normally given. If people are not interested in being part of a working society, then I’d rather they stay locked up.

    we do that here; not only does it both not work well and allows people to profit from exacerbating it; it fixes a lot less and costs a lot more than treating it like a societal issue; changing policy; and aggressive outreach.

    we’ve also had recidivism rates drop when convicts were given alternatives viable to their situation instead of focusing on the punishment.

  • eldavi@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlDebate this!
    3 days ago

    But if you group the far right with the increasingly far right “conservatives”, it looks much more bleak.

    we’ve been in that situation since the 1980’s; our center-right and our far right are our only choices for president now.

    i used to think europe’s democracies were ahead since they carried on with progressive initiatives the americans stopped doing in the 1970’s, but now i wonder if europe’s lurch rightwards is them catching up to the americans.

  • Also, the antisemitism talked about in the article is genuine hatred of Jewish people, not just anti-Israel rhetoric.

    i was referring to the american version of the anti-isreal rhetoric; there’s a bill in congress that will enable labeling anti-genocide protestors as antisemitic and will give our government the ability to treat them as a hate group as was done in france with the radical islamic group thing.

    jonas paris is the example used to justify the labeling like fox news shows stock footage of gang violence to activate their base or democrats pointing to project 2025 to activate theirs.