I missed the fishing boat bullying russians. I only remember irish fishing boats refusing to when the russians wanted to hold wargames near ireland.
I missed the fishing boat bullying russians. I only remember irish fishing boats refusing to when the russians wanted to hold wargames near ireland.
In that it makes it open. In capitalism, ot is assumed that everyone is a selfish actor. Under communism, everyone is supposed to work together for the greater good, and when they aren’t, you can’t call them out, because they would accuse you of ‘undermining the unity’. And because they tend to be in positions of power, you will end up in the Gulag.
But it is that selfishness that communism can’t control for and that capitalism only dampens the effect of. You need a system that counteracts those selfish tendencies in order to reach lasting stability.
Another russian ammo dump blowing up.
The view tracker is an interesting proposition I currently use uMatrix to have fine-grained control over what is getting loaded amd some sites are downright unholy in how much thrid-party stuff gets loaded to display a site.
The russian army is entirely bound in its invasion into Ukraine. If it weren’t for the threat of nuclear annihilation, NATO would get to Moscow within 3 days. A true 3-day military operation.
So the court, in what must be a rare occurrence, upheld the rights of palestinians and the government’s response was “Nuh-uh!”
Ah yes, because the Taliban will surely buy food for children with that money, pinky promise!
It’s the truth. Putin wanted this war and the Russian people have been indoctrinated into following him blindly. The allied carpet-bombings of Nazi Germany caused untold suffering, but they were necessary to break the German will to fight. Hitler could’ve stopped the carpet bombing by surrendering. He could’ve prevented them from ever occurring, if he hadn’t started wars with all neighbouring countries. Just as Hitler then, Putin now can stop this war. And it is Putin that could’ve prevented this war from ever taking place, if he hadn’t invaded. But he did invade Ukraine. The untold number of crimes against humanity have been committed by the Russian army under his watch and it was his decision to send over 600.000 Russian troops to get crippled or killed in Ukraine. It is his war that just caused this man to lose his wive and three daughters (trigger warning: r*ddit). I truly hold no sympathy for any Russian that chooses to participate in this invasion. Whatever happens to them, they deserve it.
“They did it first and continue to do it” is a pretty good reason in my book. The more decicive Russian losses are, the faster public sentiment will turn against Putin.
If your enemy makes it very clear that they want to see you dead and your nation destroyed no matter the cost, why should you be beholden to giving them an advantage? Ukraine won’t win with moral superiority.
Russia is already using thermite charges, thermobaric weapons and tear gas. They get what’s coming to them.
How to play Ubisoft games without the Ubisoft Launcher:
Step 1) If you’re an EU citizen, sign this petition: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home
If you are not in the EU, you can check if there are any other initiatives for your country here: https://www.stopkillinggames.com/
Step 2) (Due to insurmountable pressure, which you definitely did your part in adding to, video games are now forced to have an end-of-life plan.
Step 3) Wait until the game you want to play without the Ubi Launcher hits its end-of-life
Step 4) Do whatever is necessary to get the game playable again, which the newly introduced law guarantees is possible
Step 5) Enjoy your game without the Ubi launcher
I’d go even further. The AfD threatens the current (democratic) system. Most AfD voters vote for them for this exact reason. They want to “enact revenge” on a system they feel left behind by IMO.
Depending on how recently they were executed, it makes perfect sense. As the one holding hostages, you want to set the precedent that the only way to get them out alive is via negotiation.
Discoverability is an issue that I identified quickly. One reason why artists mostly stick to X may very well be the small user base, as well the fractured nature of the fediverse making it hard to gain reach
Seems a little bit unfair to me that a reusable launch system can be grounded for issues on the way back, when discarding launch systems do not have to content with that.
I guess, at least catholic christianity has the benefit of self-reform, given that they elect a ‘leader’. In theory at least, this should allow them to go with the times, even if currently, they are lagging behind multiple centuries oc progress.