• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • On the one hand - big boobs, small boobs, big dick, small dick, short, tall, fat, thin, young, old, whatever quality, people have been happily fucking for the entire history of the species. Internet outrage at any given body type as being unacceptable is akin to virtual media eugenics and is stupid.

    On the other hand - big boobs, small boobs, big dick, small dick, short, fat, tall, thin, young, old, what quality, I tire of both the media and its detractors telling me that I MUST be arbitrarily aroused by any given person because it satisfies a given narrative. This particular person is not sexually attractive to me not because of body size but because I’m old and she looks like a child to me.

    Love who you want to love, fornicate with whichever consenting partner you wish. Take love where you can find it, and be happy when you can attain it.

    On an unrelated note, one of my favorite lines came from Barbara Ehreinreich, though I can’t recall which book, and I’m going to heavily paraphrase as I don’t recall the exact quote: “The media was horrified to learn that elderly, wrinkled, fat couples were rolling around in bed together and enjoying it.”

  • Are you asserting that nobody should ever have any preferences? Do you meet your own standard?

    OP didn’t say he’s throwing women out of bed for having piercings. He expressed a preference for them not to.

    I prefer dark hair. Sometimes it’s red or blonde or blue.

    I prefer pubic hair. Sometimes it’s there, sometimes it’s not.

    I prefer a few extra pounds. Sometimes those pounds aren’t there. Sometimes a few extra is more like a lot extra.

    In no example above did I shut down the interaction, nor did I experience any less pleasure.

    But I still have preferences. That’s all they are though.

  • You joke but…

    I was in a benefits meeting a few years ago led by the insurance rep for our employee health coverage.

    Deductibles came up.

    I raised my hand and asked, “So if I go skiing for Christmas and snap my femur on December 26, it behooves me to delay any treatment until January 1, right?”

    She didn’t miss a beat and said, “Yes, that’s correct.”

    There was a stunned silence in the room from that one.

  • Yes homestead. I’m not sure how other states do it.

    Texas increased from ten thousand to twenty five thousand to forty thousand to a hundred thousand in a short period.

    So semantics. I say increase for other houses, you say discount for primary house. Either way you choose to phrase it, you pay less for your primary residence and more for other properties.

  • Got_Bent@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    14 days ago

    Most of the math I do at work is related to compound interest. Of all the math I believe the general public should understand, the concept of how paying interest to others is a total screw would get my top vote.

    I have a co-worker who took out a car loan last week at, wait for it, FIFTY THREE PERCENT INTEREST! No concept of what that was costing her. She could only see, “I can afford the monthly payment.”

    (1 + r)^n and its friend 1/(1 + r)^n have been the two most important concepts in work and personal life that I’ve ever learned and applied.

  • I know several of those. One I don’t see listed is stuff made here. If you’re a fan of backyard scientist, you’re gonna love stuff made here.

    Smarter everyday is really a special one. The way that guy involves his kids and his own boyish excitement when he finally gets an experiment right is downright heartwarming. Then there was the whole episode checking in on physics girl. He had no particular incentive to do that. He just really seems to care.