Struggle informs theory, and theory in turn counsels action. That’s why those at the summits of power do everything that can to ridicule and condemn and censor these ideas

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Timezones are a fuck but what was left out of the below response was:

    I messaged Ada to ask the 196 mods if they would consider removing the “fuck tankies” banner as multiple trans users expressed they didn’t feel welcome due to being labeled a tankie (it is a generic insult for anyone more left than the person using the word, anarchists have been called it). She said that she didn’t feel comfortable doing that, which is valid, and said I could DM them.

    I DMed them asking if they would consider removing the banner and explained why. I did not get a response, instead a screenshot of my DM was pinned to the community along with an ableist slur. This DM leak post/slur was left up for over a day, finally the moderator used paint to partially obscure the image and put up a passive-aggressive comment about being tone policed.

    All the mod had to do was say “lol no, fuck tankies” and I would’ve dropped it, but it is a huge red flag when someone in charge of stewarding a community on an instance dedicated to marginalized people (which I am) chooses to publically ridicule rather than talk. This is after I asked the community mods of the dunk tank to change their rules to ensure that no other admins or mods could be posted to the community, which they did and the “people of NATO” post that referenced a lemmy.blahaj admin/mod was removed.

    That mod is still on the 196 team, while anyone doing such a thing on hexbear would be demodded and permabanned. I think ultimately there is a significant disconnect between moderation expectations and actions resulting in the sustained defederation. We’ve put up user polls on refederation twice since this happened, and hexbear users overwhelmingly do not wish to refederate.

    I am saddened by this in part because I think Ada is a great person and that the instance is great, other than 196. With transphobia a problem in a large part of the lemmy-verse supporting each other and sticking together despite any political disagreements is very important and look forward to cultivating a thriving, safe, and positive trans space in this corner of the fediverse with all of you.