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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • The device wouldn’t necessarily have to be constantly streaming the audio to a central server. If it’s capable of hearing wake up words like “Ok Google” it’s capable of listening for other phrases and having onboard processing to relay back the results much more compressed. Whether or not this is common practice is another matter, and yes the algorithms are scary good even without eavesdropping.

  • That’s fair. I think fundamentally a false positive/negative isn’t that much different. Pretty much all tests—especially those dealing with real world conditions—are heuristic, as are all LLMs by necessity of the design. Hallucination is a pretty specific term given to AI as an attempt to assign agency to a system that doesn’t actually have any (by implying it’s crazy and making stuff up instead of a black box with deterministic inputs and outputs spitting out something factually wrong but with a similar format to what is trained on). I feel like the nature of any tool where “you can’t trust this to be entirely accurate” should have an umbrella term that encompasses both types of providing inaccurate info under certain conditions.

    I suppose the difference is that AI is a lot more likely to randomly go off, whereas a blood test is likelier to provide repeated false positives for the same person with their unique biology? There’s also the fact that most medical tests represent a true/false dichotomy or lookup table, whereas an LLM is given the entire bounds of language.

    Would an AI clustering algorithm (say, K-means for instance) giving an inaccurate diagnosis be a false positive/negative or a hallucination? These models can be programmed on a sliding scale and I feel like there’s definitely an area where the line could get pretty blurry.

  • I mean, AI is used in fraud detection pretty often; when it hits a false positive (which happens frequently on a population-level basis), is that not a hallucination of some sort? Obviously LLMs can go off the rails much further because it’s readable text, but any machine learning model will occasionally spit out really bad guesses almost any person could have done better with. (To be fair, humans are highly capable of really bad guesses too).

  • Do you have any olive/cooking/etc oil laying about? A lot of makeup is oil based so should at least partially come off with that, especially if you apply it to some type of towel/wipe/cotton ball first (could even use toilet paper in a pinch but I don’t recommend it if you can avoid). Apply sparingly enough that it doesn’t drip or anything, and definitely test it in a small area first to make sure it has the desired results!

  • Forgive me if, when presented with the trolley problem and the person on track b would die anyways if I did not pull the lever, if I pulled that lever instead of ignoring everything and/or jumping off a cliff. The political situation is bleak here, and the machine is designed to keep Americans placated, disenfranchised, and generally apathetic. We don’t have coalition voting. We don’t have ranked choice, and it’s even banned in certain states! If there’s a proper alternative to Biden in this country, that information has to be disseminated to hundreds of millions and convince them to change their vote. It’s possible that someone could come along but they’d have to work fast I sure as hell don’t see anyone with that kind of rallying power. Do you have any suggestions on who I should vote for?.. Because my choice is first and foremost in the interest of overall harm reduction in whatever practical terms that can actually be accomplished in this country.

    Declining to vote in this system is, effectively, silently endorsing whoever gets in; it signals that you’re ok with everything, or at least it gets interpreted that way by politicians 100x more than any sort of “protest” effect you think not voting will achieve. Literally if you don’t vote for a politician why should they care what the fuck you think? One party doesn’t even want us voting at all because it means they can give less of a fuck about us! Frankly, I don’t want to see the orange man in office again, and he will be worse than even self-professed Zionist Joe on matters pertaining to the rest of the world. Again, I’m open to an alternative if you can give me one that’s not sticking my head in the sand or some fetishistic “revolution” way too many people pine for without having a single ounce of solidarity in their real lives.