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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Actually. As someone who worked in a small radio station news department for a pretty long time, I’m actually not accusing them of malfeasance as much as I’m accusing them of “over-eagerness” if that makes sense.

    There’s just too much information floating around thanks to every Tom, Dick and Harry having a blog, or a tik tok, or a twitter account, all claiming to be “insiders” in one way or another. Far too much for the media to be able to properly vet every single piece of information that they get thoroughly. And it leads to mistakes.

    But as an ex-media person, I aver that it’s not the media “making shit up” as the narrative nowadays seems to be. It’s more that they are reporting everything faster than ever in the hopes of beating the competition and as a result getting a lot of things wrong.

    Does it make them complicit…absolutely. They need to do better. But it make them the “evil” ones. No. Not at all. The boots on the ground, so-to-speak, the everyday journalist’s job, passion, raison d’etre has always been to report the news and bring it to the people. To speak truth to power and all that rigamarole. The problem is that there’s too much information floating around to do that properly anymore.

  • I always thought the “We got 'em” line was from Obama referring to Osama Bin Laden. I totally forgot it was actually about Hussein’s capture.

    I had a whole buzz-kill response written out about how the joke made no sense because it was conflating two different people. But I figured I should check my facts before hitting that good old post button, and whaddyaknow…

    The more you learn, boys and girls.

  • I get that. And, playing the devil’s advocate here…what happens in a couple of years when the time comes to purchase a new Laptop/desktop that comes pre-installed with Windows? Will your current ire and consternation hold up until then, meaning you’ll take the effort…long after this current “trust crisis” is over…to install Linux once again. Or, with this current scandal a faint memory from a few years back, will you just kind of shrug and say “Hey…it’s there, I might as well just go with it.”

    I mean no offense, and I by know means want to presume your answer here. But I’d be willing to bet 90% of the people who, in a pique of ire, replace their current windows with a linux distro, won’t bother to do the same when they purchase a new laptop down the road.