What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?

A recent YouGov survey asked Americans what they think they should be able to get to within a 15-minute walk of their house.

Of these choices, I can currently walk to all of them from my apartment, aside from a university (no biggie, I’m not currently studying, although there is a Tafe within walking distance), a hospital, and a sports arena.

How many can you get to with a 15 minute walk from your house?

#fuckcars #walkability #urbanism #UrbanPlanning @fuck_cars #walking

  • jeffhykin@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    16% said “should not” to a grocery store? What?

    I feel like there should be a separate question for the “I don’t want anything near me” rural choice, since those might be making the rest of the responses misleading.

    • bionicjoey@lemmy.ca
      5 months ago

      They are probably carbarians whose only conception of a grocery store is a supermarket surrounded by a moat of parking. I wouldn’t want one of those next to me either

  • Kagan MacTane (he/him)@wandering.shop
    5 months ago

    @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars I’m kind of sad that “cafe”, “bookstore”, and “library” aren’t even on this list at all. 😢

    I would honestly have to do a web search to find out where the nearest elementary school, day care, and gas station are, but I’d be stunned if I didn’t have those within 15 minutes. As it is, I do have everything else, including a university and a sports arena, and *two* malls. (I’m in between the Barclays Center and Long Island University in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, NYC.)

  • Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE@c.im
    5 months ago

    @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars One thing you can get within a 15 minute walk of some US homes is arrested!

    (My grandma went for a walk in a Miami suburb. The locals thought that someone walking (rather than driving) was obviously suspicious so they called the cops. Because my grandma was white and female and elderly, rather than black and male and young, they stopped to talk to her rather than just shooting her. They then spent several minutes trying to get her to admit that she was walking because her car had broken down - they just couldn’t get it through their heads that she was walking because she wanted to walk.)