• TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    At this point, why would any one be reporting an what the Israeli Military claims about anything?

    Only those with a vested interest in Palestinian genocide.

    • Aceticon@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Yeah, well, the list of people in power circles in supposedly Democratic nations who are “relaxed about Nazi-style ultra-violent genocide of etnic groups deemed inferior” is surprisingly large.

      Surprisingly that is, for those who grew up forming an impression about WWII and how the very same nations acted towards the Nazis from watching Hollywood films rather than from History books - the reality back then was very much like now: the racist mass murdering of those deemed “lesser races” was fine, it was when they attacked races not deemed lesser (or, in the case of the US, when their allies attacked the US) that it became a problem. I have no doubt in my mind that the Holocaust would’ve been forgotten just as easilly as, say, the genocide in Rwanda was, if the Nazis had not attacked other Western nations.

      (Interestingly even the remembering of the Holocaust curiously forgets that Roma - aka Gypsies - were also targetted, another way in which some etnicities never stopped being treated as lesser than others).

      The reality is that the anti-racism and humanitarianism of liberals was pure, unadulterated bullshit: as long as it’s an etnicity deemed “like us” in the present day (and nowadays Jews are seen as westerners) against an etnicity deemed inferior (i.e. Muslims), no murdering is too much murdering. The hypocrisy is painfully obvious when you think that not even the Ku-Klux-Klan who these very people loudly deride (the right thing to do, but one suspects they do not do it for the right reasons) never murdered people of the target etnicity in such numbers as the Zionists are doing, especially children.

      It all has a deep, deep stink of racism: the discourse has changed from the early XX-century overt racism to make it less overt, and the etnicities which can politically correctly be deemed “inferior” and “superior” (though per the new style, not overtly saying so but via things like stating the whole etnicity is shares guilt for the actions of some and describing entire etnicities as having certain character flaws, such as saying that “Palestinians are violent”) have changed, but we still get shit like Germany condoning and even excusing the same kind of speech and actions as done by the Nazis (down to the same Propaganda techniques as Goebbels used), because of nothing but the specific etnicity of those doing it (it’s hard to be any more racist than defending evil-doing because of the etnicity of the evil-doers)